Tool works so that the user clicks on the map to set the start position.
Then the user clicks on the map to set next positions.
The distance between the start position and next positions is shown in an info window.
Tool is started from a button in positionTrackingMenu.
Measured distance is shown in an info window at the bottom of the map.
Measuring is stopped by clicking stop link in the info window.
Measuring uses the following events: click, touchend, bounds_changed
Function measureDistanceInit is used as an object that contains the state of the tool.
Tool works so that the user clicks on the map to set the start position. Then the user clicks on the map to set next positions. The distance between the start position and next positions is shown in an info window.
Tool is started from a button in positionTrackingMenu. Measured distance is shown in an info window at the bottom of the map. Measuring is stopped by clicking stop link in the info window.
Measuring uses the following events: click, touchend, bounds_changed
Function measureDistanceInit is used as an object that contains the state of the tool.