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Compiling two proto packages with dependencies #32

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I'm having a problem compiling two proto files that I have. The two proto files 
are in different packages and one of them imports the other:

package optimization.a;

message A {
  required uint32 id = 1;

package optimization.b;

import "optimization/a.proto";

message B {
  required A a = 1;

I compile both files with goprotobuf and in b.pb.go I get an import 
"optimization/a.pb". The problem is that I'm not sure how I'm going to make 
this import work. I tried various things, but I guess I don't really understand 
exactly how go is going to try and import my a.pb.go file. Any suggestions?

Original issue reported on code.google.com by jesse...@gmail.com on 28 Aug 2012 at 1:50

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Sorry for the noise, I finally figured out what to do. I simply had to move the 
corresponding %.pb.go to %.pb directories so they could be correctly imported. 
It would be nice I guess to be able to specify alternate import paths (so that 
I could generate the files with a go gettable import path). I saw that there 
was some code that would allow this (option go_package), but couldn't figure 
out how to make it work.

Original comment by jesse...@gmail.com on 28 Aug 2012 at 2:58

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Original comment by dsymo...@golang.org on 30 Aug 2012 at 6:03

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I have the same issue, and FWIW, go_pacakge doesn't seem to work at all. I get:

foo.proto:3:8: Option "go_package" unknown.

I also looked at the test data, and found no test with go_package. And besides 
in comments, I can't find any reference of the string "go_package" in the code 
(unless it is some generated string somewhere, like in the protoc tool, as 
opposed to protoc-gen-go).


Original comment by yoh...@gmail.com on 1 Sep 2012 at 8:47

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The attached patch fixes the import problem for me. I am not 100% convinced it 
will work in every situation though, but it works in my case.

Original comment by yoh...@gmail.com on 10 Sep 2012 at 1:48


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
This should do it.

Original comment by joe...@gmail.com on 22 Sep 2012 at 4:10


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
This is just a side effect of the bug mentioned above, but the location of the 
generated descriptor.pb.go file makes it hard to import as well. Using the 
current naming convention (descriptor.pb/descriptor.pb.go) would make using 
{Field,Message}Options easier. (Even though options support is yet to be 

Original comment by ahochh...@samegoal.com on 30 Apr 2013 at 7:53

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
i use another trick . i use the same package name with two proto files.

suppose there are two proto files. 

package protocol;
message kv {
    optional string k       = 1;
    optional string v       = 2;

import "base.proto";
package protocol;
message request {
   optional kv a = 1;

After i compiled these proto files. and found  "import protocol1 "base.pb" " in 
the file protocol.pb.go, After i write a script to remove "protocol1" , 
then i fixed the compilation error,  and it works.


#! /bin/sh

protoc --go_out=. ./base.proto
protoc --go_out=. ./protocol.proto

sed_del_base_pb="/import\ protocol1\ \"base\.pb\"/d"
mv ./protocol.pb.go temp && sed -e "$sed_del_base_pb" -e "$sed_del_protocol" 
./temp > ./protocol.pb.go

the side effect is that all proto should be in the same packages. 

Any one have a better approach?

Original comment by LittleWh...@gmail.com on 28 Jun 2013 at 9:15

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Yeah, I use comment#4 's patch and then everything runs smoothly.

I just put .proto files along with my .go files, resulting in .pb.go files

FYI here is the implicit rule I used for make

#implicit rule to generate .pb.go
src/%.pb.go: src/%.proto
    @echo "protoc $<"
    @protoc -Isrc $(PROTOPATH) --go_out=src/ $<

where PROTOPATH is derived from GOPATH like this
PROTOPATH     :=$(patsubst %,-I%/src,$(subst :, ,$(GOPATH)) )

(note that the subst : is platform dependent, use ; instead of : on windowses )

On of the benefits is that you can share messages between go projects

BTW, any chance that this patch to be reintegrated into the code ?

Original comment by eric.ati...@mydoceapower.com on 28 Jun 2013 at 9:55

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
In my production project, my workaround is add a option go_import_path. The 
generated code use the go_import_path to import other files or skip import when 
two file with same go_import_path.

Original comment by liuyuan...@gmail.com on 2 Aug 2013 at 2:47


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
It'd be nice if we can merge these patches. 

Original comment by john.bel...@gmail.com on 9 Aug 2013 at 9:29

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I too would love seeing this merge, as I just ran into the same thing.

Original comment by m...@mihasya.com on 12 Sep 2013 at 9:06

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The goprotobuf.patch in comment #9 is causing panic errors.  Here is a patch 
for a fix on top of that.  You still need to apply the protobuf.patch.

Original comment by davidwu...@gmail.com on 23 Nov 2013 at 3:41


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I just suffer the same issue.

Original comment by jimenezr...@gmail.com on 18 Dec 2013 at 8:27

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
[deleted comment]
GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I had trouble importing a .proto from the same package, protoc-gen-go fails to 
notice they belong to the same package as it imposes a unique package name for 
every file.  The result is of course "import cycle not allowed".

package example;

message Foo {
  optional int32 f = 1;

package example;

import "example/a.proto"

message Bar {
  optional Foo foo = 1;

The patch in comment #5 has solved the issue, so I would love to see this 
merged in.

Original comment by clar...@gmail.com on 15 Apr 2014 at 11:00

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
#5 has lapsed.

Original comment by laf...@gmail.com on 23 Apr 2014 at 2:48

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I found a "workaround", without the need for patch:

reusing the example in #7

package protocol;
message kv {
    optional string k       = 1;
    optional string v       = 2;

import "base.proto";
package protocol;
message request {
   optional kv a = 1;

then on the command line:

$ protoc --go_out=.  *.proto

The single most important thing is the *.proto here, apparently:

$ protoc a.proto ; protoc b.proto 

is not equivalent to :

$ protoc a.proto b.proto


Original comment by e...@ericaro.net on 29 Jun 2014 at 7:33

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The output of this plugin is not even consistent with itself.  

- When importing a proto from the same proto package, it generates no import.  
This means that the .pb.go files must be in the same go package.
- When importing a proto from a different proto package, it generates an import 
that requires the specific proto file to be in its own package (e.g. import 

Between those two properties, I'm not sure how to use this tool without post 
processing the files.


Using protoc version 2.5 and the latest goprotobuf


### ./foo/foo1.proto
package foo;
message Foo1 {
    required int64 id = 1;

### ./foo/foo2.proto
package foo;
import "foo/foo1.proto";
message FooRequest {
    required Foo1 foo = 1;

### ./bar/bar.proto
package bar;
import "foo/foo2.proto";
message BarService {
    required foo.FooRequest req = 1;


Compile it:
protoc --proto_path . --go_out=. foo/*
protoc --proto_path . --go_out=. bar/*

It produces these files:

- foo2.pb.go uses the type defined in foo1.pb.go without importing anything.
- bar.pb.go has the line: import foo1 "foo/foo2.pb"

The result does not build (foo builds, bar does not due to missing import)

This plugin must be used widely, so I'm not sure what I could be doing 
differently.  As a workaround, I use gogoprotobuf which is consistent on 
generating code to use the package-centric imports.  

Original comment by rob...@gmail.com on 5 Jul 2014 at 3:30

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Followup to comment #18: Your findings match mine and I was equally surprised. 
I found some undocumented flags that you can pass via the --go_out parameter 
which allow you to fix package and path names, and another poorly documented 
requirement is that each invocation of protoc requires that it be passed *all* 
the .proto files for that package. 

Here's an excerpt of a Makefile that invokes protoc allows for multiple 
cross-package dependencies and multiple .proto files in each package:

# assumes that make is invoked from the directory above src/.

# path to protoc-gen-go.
PROTOC_GEN_GO=$(abspath bin/protoc-gen-go)
# PROTOMAP creates a list of kv pairs of file path to package name. Example:
PROTOMAP=$(shell (cd src && \
        for dotproto in `find . -iname *.proto`; do \
                echo M$$dotproto=`dirname $$dotproto`; \
        done) | paste -s -d,)
# PROTODIRS is a list of all directories containing .proto files. 
# protoc needs to be invoked per-package and be given all the filenames of 
protos in that package.
PROTODIRS=$(wildcard src/example.com/proto/*)
# Translates PROTODIRS into Go package names by stripping the src/ prefix
# for each directory that conatins protos, invoke protoc-gen-go and pass it all 
the .proto files
# in that package. Note that --go_out= includes $(PROTOMAP). 
$(PROTODIRS): bin/protoc-gen-go
        cd $@ && protoc --plugin=$(PROTOC_GEN_GO) \
                -I . -I ../../../ --go_out=$(PROTOMAP):. *.proto
protodirs: $(PROTODIRS)

The end result is that you can use relative include paths when depending on 
other protos in the same directory, and top-level paths when depending across 
packages. Ex:

### example.com/proto/foo/foo1.proto
package foo;
message Foo1 {
    required int64 id = 1;

### example.com/proto/foo/foo2.proto
package foo;
import "foo1.proto";
message FooRequest {
    required Foo1 foo = 1;

### ./bar/bar.proto
package bar;
import "example.com/proto/foo/foo2.proto";
message BarService {
    required foo.FooRequest req = 1;

Original comment by expa...@gmail.com on 16 Jul 2014 at 7:13

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
#19 good hints for package mapping things. Code generated for same package 
import looks good, but cross-package import still need post processing.
bar.proto from your example generate this
  import foo1 "example.com/proto/foo/foo2.pb"

but what I expected is 
  import foo1 "example.com/proto/foo"

Original comment by liuyuan...@gmail.com on 25 Oct 2014 at 8:43