jasonlewis / basset

A better asset management package for Laravel.
240 stars 76 forks source link

Class 'Basset\BassetServiceProvider' not found #171

Closed ranaanees closed 11 years ago

ranaanees commented 11 years ago


I deployed Basset for Laravel 4 package on my shared hosting server....

I upload following files...

  1. vendor->jasonlewis
  2. assets and builds folders
  3. app.php in config
  4. app->config->packages-> jsonlewis folder

Receiving following exception...

Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException Class 'Basset\BassetServiceProvider' not found open: \FSC02-S03\WWWROOT$\maskany.com.sa\wwwroot\bootstrap\compiled.php $manifest['eager'][] = $provider; } } return $this->writeManifest($manifest); } public function createProvider(Application $app, $provider) { return new $provider($app); } public function shouldRecompile($manifest, $providers)

jasonlewis commented 11 years ago

You'll need to update your composer autoloader as well. Run composer update or you could try uploading the fresh vendor/autoload.php file.

ranaanees commented 11 years ago

I found solution...Along with Package specific directories....also upload

1) vendor/autoload.php 2) vendor/composer folder