jasonmayes / Twitter-Post-Fetcher

Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! By Jason Mayes
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Twitter Fetcher error using code whilch was working earlier #188

Closed lightmyfire17 closed 6 years ago

lightmyfire17 commented 6 years ago

Code was working for a month, console started throw error 2 days ago: https://puu.sh/BESTV/38c8cbe0d3.png

lightmyfire17 commented 6 years ago

twitterFetcher.js:92 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at extractImagesUrl (twitterFetcher.js:92) at Object.callback (twitterFetcher.js:416) at profile?callback=__twttrf.callback&dnt=false&screen_name=nkn_org&suppress_response_codes=true&lang=en&rnd=0.06964339669674868:1

lightmyfire17 commented 6 years ago

I have identified the problem: just flagged "showImages": false and it work again. Probably, there's a bug of retweeted images/videos or smth. Codepen.

jasonmayes commented 6 years ago

Twitter deprecated widget ID support so must use the newer form of using username etc now as shown in exampleUsage.js