jaspervdj / websockets

A Haskell library for creating WebSocket-capable servers
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How to switch from `forkPingThread` to `withPingThread` ? #201

Closed erikd closed 4 years ago

erikd commented 4 years ago

forkPingThread is deprecated but it is not obvious how to replace it with withPingThread in the code (from package network-simple-wss):

  :: (MonadIO m, Ex.MonadMask m)
  => T.ClientSettings  -- ^ TLS settings.
  -> T.HostName
  -- ^ Secure WebSockets server host name (e.g., @\"www.example.com\"@ or IP
  -- address).
  -> T.ServiceName
  -- ^ Secure WebSockets server port (e.g., @\"443\"@ or @\"www\"@).
  -> B.ByteString
  -- ^ Secure WebSockets resource (e.g., @\"/foo\/qux?bar=wat&baz\"@).
  -- Leading @\'\/\'@ is optional.
  -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
  -- ^ Extra HTTP Headers
  -- (e.g., @[(\"Authorization\", \"Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==\")]@).
  -> ((W.Connection, T.SockAddr) -> m r)
  -- ^ Computation to run after establishing a Secure WebSockets to the remote
  -- server. Takes the WebSockets connection and remote end address.
  -> m r
connect cs hn sn res hds act = do
  T.connect cs hn sn $ \(ctx, saddr) -> do
     Ex.bracket (streamFromContext ctx) (liftIO . W.close) $ \stream -> do
        conn <- WS.clientConnectionFromStream stream hn sn res hds
        liftIO (W.forkPingThread conn 30)
        act (conn, saddr)
nalchevanidze commented 4 years ago

you can use this

pingThread :: Connection -> IO () -> IO ()
pingThread connection = WS.withPingThread connection 30 (return ())

this support both variant (depending on version)

pingThread :: Connection -> IO () -> IO ()
#if MIN_VERSION_websockets(0,12,6)
pingThread connection = WS.withPingThread connection 30 (return ())
pingThread connection = (WS.forkPingThread connection 30 >>)