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Brazilian Portuguese Constants #6

Open glassfishrobot opened 17 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 17 years ago

Hello! I´m sending the Java Help Brazilian Portuguese Constants.

I downloaded the development version at, included the new class file, regenerated the jars (inside NetBeans, using release Ant target) and made a simple test. Everything seems working fine.


import java.util.ListResourceBundle;


public class Constants_pt_BR extends ListResourceBundle { /**

// Constant strings and patterns { "helpset.wrongPublicID", "PublicID

{0} desconhecido"}, { "helpset.wrongTitle", "Tentando atribuir t\u00EDtulo para {0}

mas j\u00E1 existe o valor

{1}."}, { "helpset.wrongHomeID", "Tentando atribuir homeID para {0} mas j\u00E1 existe o valor {1}

."}, { "helpset.subHelpSetTrouble", "Problemas criando subhelpset:

{0}."}, { "helpset.malformedURL", "URL malformada: {0}

."}, { "helpset.incorrectURL", "URL incorreta:

{0}."}, { "helpset.wrongText", "{0}

n\u00A3o o pode conter o texto

{1}."}, { "helpset.wrongTopLevel", "{0} n\u00A3o pode ser uma tag de n\u00EDvel superior."}, { "helpset.wrongParent", "A tag pai de {0} n\u00A3o pode ser {1}

."}, { "helpset.unbalanced", "Tag

{0} n\u00A3o finalizada."}, { "helpset.wrongLocale", "Aviso: atributo xml:lang {0}

em conflito com default


e com default


"}, { "helpset.unknownVersion", "Vers\u00A3o Desconhecida


// IndexView messages { "index.invalidIndexFormat", "Aviso: Formato de \u00CDndice incorreto"}, { "index.unknownVersion", "Vers\u00A3o Desconhecida {0}


// TOCView messages { "toc.wrongPublicID", "PublicID

{0} desconhecido"}, { "toc.invalidTOCFormat", "Aviso: Formato de TOC incorreto"}, { "toc.unknownVersion", "Vers\u00A3o Desconhecida {0}


// FavoritesView messages

{ "favorites.invalidFavoritesFormat", "Aviso: Formato de Favoritos incorreto"}

, { "favorites.unknownVersion", "Vers\u00A3o Desconhecida


// Map messages { "map.wrongPublicID", "PublicID {0}


{ "map.invalidMapFormat", "Aviso: Formato de Map incorreto"}

, { "map.unknownVersion", "Vers\u00A3o Desconhecida



// GUI components // Labels

{ "index.findLabel", "Localizar: "}


{ "search.findLabel", "Localizar: "}


{ "search.hitDesc", "N\u00FAmero de ocorr\u00EAncias no documento"}


{ "search.qualityDesc", "O mais baixo valor de penalidade no documento" }


{ "search.high", "Alto"}


{ "search.midhigh", "M\u00E9dio-alto"}


{ "search.mid", "M\u00E9dio"}


{ "search.midlow", "M\u00E9dio-baixo"}


{ "search.low", "Baixo"}


{ "favorites.add", "Adicionar"}


{ "favorites.remove", "Excluir"}


{ "favorites.folder", "Nova Pasta"}


{ "", "Nome"}


{ "favorites.cut", "Recortar"}


{ "favorites.paste", "Colar"}


{ "favorites.copy" , "Copiar"}


{ "history.homePage", "P\u00E1gina Inicial"}


{ "history.unknownTitle", "<T\u00EDtulo da P\u00E1gina Desconhecido>"}


// ToolTips for Actions

{ "tooltip.BackAction", "P\u00E1gina Anterior"}


{ "tooltip.ForwardAction", "Pr\u00F3xima P\u00E1gina"}


{ "tooltip.PrintAction", "Imprimir"}


{ "tooltip.PrintSetupAction", "Configurar P\u00E1gina"}


{ "tooltip.ReloadAction", "Atualizar"}


{ "tooltip.FavoritesAction", "Adicionar aos Favoritos"}


{ "tooltip.HomeAction", "P\u00E1gina Inicial"}


// Accessibility names

{ "access.BackAction", "Bot\u00A3o Anterior"}


{ "access.ForwardAction", "Bot\u00A3o Pr\u00F3ximo"}


{ "access.HistoryAction", "Bot\u00A3o de Hist\u00F3rico"}


{ "access.PrintAction", "Bot\u00A3o Imprimir"}


{ "access.PrintSetupAction", "Bot\u00A3o Configura\u00E7\u00A3o de P\u00E1gina"}


{ "access.ReloadAction", "Bot\u00A3o de Atualiza\u00E7\u00A3o"}


{ "access.HomeAction", "Bot\u00A3o P\u00E1gina Inicial"}


{ "access.FavoritesAction", "Bot\u00A3o Adicionar a Favoritos"}


{ "access.contentViewer", "Visualizar Conte\u00FAdo"}

}; } }


Operating System: All Platform: All

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 17 years ago

Reported by serge_rehem

glassfishrobot commented 17 years ago

serge_rehem said: Created an attachment (id=1) Brazilian Portuguese JavaHelp Contants

glassfishrobot commented 17 years ago

File: Attached By: serge_rehem

glassfishrobot commented 17 years ago

Was assigned to javahelp-issues

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA JAVAHELP-6