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jersey-mvc-velocity #3423

Open glassfishrobot opened 8 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

similar with jersey-mvc-freemarker

provide an mvc extension for velocity

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

Reported by Feng-Zihao

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: Please assign it to me. I would like to give a try on this.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: Please also alter the affect versions from 2.23.2.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

@pavelbucek said: Hello,

the issue cannot be assigned to you, since you don't have "developer" role on Jersey project. That is still fine, you can submit pull request via github and the contribution will be considered.

Please note that unless you sign OCA - Oracle Contributor Agreement (, we cannot accept any contribution from you.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question.

Regards, Pavel

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: OK. Fine. I've notice the OCA aggrement.

I'll signed that and proceed the application as a developer as an individual.

Thanks for reply.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: Excuese me, what's the correct address to submit OCA?

I found 3 different address on OCA website, FAQ site, and the downloaded PDF. I've submitted to these 3 address at the same time.

One week passed, there's still no response.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

@pavelbucek said:

Submitting the OCA procedure
1\.  Download the OCA from here: 2\.  Print it
3\.  Fill out and sign the form (do not forget to fill in the point 7 and provide your mailing address not only your e-mail address)
4\.  Scan the paper
5\.  Send a picture/PDF to oracle-ca_us [at] oracle [dot] com

The process might take more time than one week, please be patient.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: OK. Thanks.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

feng-zihao said: The OCA is still not complete after 2 weeks.

I'm planning to contribute the code throught github. If I pull merge request from github, will it be merged and considered a contribution?

Also, how can I run all the tests in Jersey project? Where should I write test case? Any document on that?


glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

feng-zihao said: Hello, I've finally get my OCA.

What's should I need to do to contribute the code?

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA JERSEY-3151