Open everal33 opened 2 years ago
The link between , parent & child class is not maintained in python, will look into it..
t_road_lanes_laneSection_left_lane : public t_road_lanes_laneSection_lr_lane
confirming the issue - same as #9
py::class_<t_road_lanes_laneSection_left_lane, std::shared_ptr<t_road_lanes_laneSection_left_lane, t_road_lanes_laneSection_lr_lane >>(m,"t_road_lanes_laneSection_left_lane","") .def_readwrite("id", &t_road_lanes_laneSection_left_lane::id, "ID of the lane" ) //required
When parsing some of the xodr-examples in the samples folder using pyxodr, I found that that the lane object does only contain "id" as member. I could imagine that, when creating the python bindings, the "relationship" between the lane object and its inherited class, that carries the missing objects, gets broken.