jayanthkmr / Convertor

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Surfaces to abbreviate #1

Open epageperron opened 6 years ago

epageperron commented 6 years ago

Here is a list of the surfaces:

obverse     o
reverse r
top t
bottom  b
left    l
right   r

But we can also have seal, surface and face, followed by a number or a letter. ( see : https://github.com/cdli-gh/ATF-Checker/blob/6f4d4f1ea22ae62e6bb5141f74620761ecf0baab/atfflex.py line 253 ) surface and face should be abbreviated using following number or letter eg

@surface a -> a, @surface b -> b, etc

in the case of seal, add the s, eg
@seal 1 -> s1, @seal2 -> s2

epageperron commented 6 years ago

also when catching the @enveloppe keyword, add e before the surface after the keyword's appearance, to ensure line IDs are unique (enveloppes can have surfaces and lines just like tablets but they are in the same atf entry)

jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

@epageperron How will surface and face will be distinguished then?

@surface a -> a, @surface b -> b, etc
@face a -> a, @face b -> b, etc

Also, can you give example of "@envelope" keyword usage and expected conll for it?

epageperron commented 6 years ago

there will never be both surface and face on the same object

apparently this is not true, I have to go through the full file, ignore this response for now

jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

@epageperron thanks. An example of the envelope will be helpful to clear the second comment.

epageperron commented 6 years ago
#atf: lang sux 
1. a2 geme2 usz-bar-ra 
2. 2(gesz2) 4(u) gur-kam 
3. iti munu3-gu7 
4. a2 usz-bar-ra 
5. 2(gesz2) 4(u) gur 
$ (not exposed) 
1. a2 geme2 usz-bar-ra 
2. 2(gesz2) 4(u) dabin gur-kam 
3. iti munu3-gu7 
4. a2 2(gesz2) 4(u) gur-kam 
5. iti sze-il2-la 
6. ki lu2-USZ-gi-na-ta 
1. kiszib3 lu2-bi-mu 
$ blank space 
# seal impression 
2. mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal uri5{ki}-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li{ki} mu-hul 
@seal 1 
1. lu2-bi-mu 
2. dub-sar 
3. dumu ur-{d}ig#-[alim] 

IDs o.1.1 o.1.2 o.1.3 ...

r.1.1 r.1.2 ... eo1.1.1 eo.1.2 eo.1.3

tablets that have an envelope will not be sealed (only he enveloppe will be sealed) so once we hit a seal we could drop the e. The point here is really to have unique IDs for each form in one text. If you see a better way to do this don't hesitate.

Also if we need to extract information about the structure of the text it will be done from the ATF, not from the conll version of the text.

jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

@epageperron reverse and right both have 'r' ? How can we distinguish then?

jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

what should be the output for this?

&P361431 = Adana 237 A
#atf: lang akk
1. wa-bar-tum sza
2. sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar
3. di2-nam i-di2-in-ma
4. i-na 5(asz) _gu2_ 3(u) _ma-na_
5. _uruda sag10_ sza ba-al-t,u3-a
6. u3 {d}utu-e-nam a-na
7. a-szur3-i-di2 ip-qi2-du-ni
8. _ku3-babbar_ i-na szi2-im _uruda_
9. ma-la2 iz-ku-a-ni
10. ba-al-t,u3-a i-ka3-na-ak-ma
11. {d}iszkur-s,u2-lu-li
12. ba-al-t,u3-a u2 {d}utu-e-nam
13. a-na a-szur3-i-di2
14. i-pa2-qi2-du-ma _iti-kam_
15. hu-bu-ur li-mu-um
16. en-na-su2-en6 a-na
17. 2(disz) _iti-kam_ a-na
18. ka3-ni-isz
1. i-lu-ku-ma e-ta-u2-ma
2. sza _ku3-babbar_ i-la2-qe2-u2
3. 1(disz) t,up-pa2-am sza
4. 2(u) 4(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) _ma-na uruda sag10_
5. sza hu-bu-ul {d}iszkur-s,u2-lu-li
6. sza-ni-am t,up-pa2-am
7. sza 3(asz) _gu2_ 5(u) 5(disz) _ma-na_
8. _uruda sag10_ sza hu-bu-ul
9. id-na-a-szur u2 wa-wa-li
10. a-na {d}iszkur-s,u-lu-li
11. u3 {d}utu-e-nam
12. u3-sza-ar
$ blank space
1. _kiszib3#_ wa#-bar#-tim sza sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar
$ blank space
# seal A
2. [wa-bar]-tum# sza sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar
$ blank space
# erasures
3. [di2-nam i]-di2#-ma i-na
4. [5(asz) _gu2_ 3(u)] _ma-na uruda sag10_
5. [sza ba]-al#-t,u3-a u2 {d}utu-e-nam a-na
6. [a-szur3-i-di2] _dumu#_ dingir-na-da ip-qi2-du-ni
7. [_ku3-babbar_ i-na szi2]-im _uruda_ ma-la2
$ blank space
# seal B
8. [iz-ku-a-ni ba-al-t,u3-a]
9. [i-ka3-na-ak-ma]
$ (unklare siegelabr.)
10. [{d}iszkur-s,u2-lu]-li# ba-al-t,u3-a
11. [u2 {d}utu-e]-nam a-na a-szur3-[i]-di2
$ blank space
# seal C
1. [i-pa2-qi2-du-ma _iti-kam_] hu-bu-ur
2. [li-mu-um e-na]-su2#-en6
3. [a-na 2(disz) _iti-kam_ a-na ka3]-ni-isz
4. [i-lu-ku-ma e-ta-u2]-ma sza
5. [_ku3-babbar_ i-la2-qe2-u2 1(disz)] t,up#-pa2-am
6. [sza 2(u) 4(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) _ma-na] uruda sag10_
7. [sza hu-bu-ul {d}iszkur]-s,u2#-lu-li
8. [sza-ni-am t,up-pa2-am] sza#
9. [3(asz) _gu2_ 5(u) 5(disz) _ma-na] uruda sag10_
10. [sza hu-bu-ul] <<nam>>
11. [id-na-a-szur u2 wa]-wa#-li
12. [a-na {d}iszkur-s,u2-lu]-li
13. [u2 {d}utu-en]-nam#
14. [u2-sza]-ar#
$ blank space
# seal C
$ blank space
# seal n
$ blank space
# seal D
@seal 1
$ (no linguistic content)
@seal 2
$ (no linguistic content)
@seal 3
$ (no linguistic content)
@seal 4
$ (no linguistic content)
@seal 5
$ (no linguistic content)
jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

@epageperron Also, how will surface b will be distinguished from bottom? Also, there are "@suface face d" in the test atf, how should they be handled? How should obverse and reverse followed by surface should be handled?

@surface b
1. um-ma szu-ut-ma
2. a-a-kam la2-al-qe2-ma
3. la2-di2-na-kum u2 a-di2 ha-am-szi2-szu
4. u2 sze2-szi2-szu ap2-hi-szu
5. a-ma-kam ba-li-t,am2
6. mi3-ma / sze2-bi4-la2-ma
7. u2 a-na-ku la2-tal-kam
jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

What should be the output for this where there is "@m=segment"

&P469678 = CDLI Literary 000374 (Sargon and Ur-Zababa) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
@m=segment A
1. esz3 ma2-gur8-gin7 [...]
#tr.en: To ...... the sanctuary like a cargo ship;
>>Q000374 001
2. gir4 mah-bi x [...]
#tr.en: to ...... its great furnaces;
>>Q000374 002
3. i7-bi a hul2-la da-ri2 ...
#tr.en: to see that its canals ...... waters of joy for eternity,
>>Q000374 003
4. a-gar3-bi {gesz}al-e ri-e-de3 GAN2 [...]
#tr.en: to see that the hoes till the arable tracts and that ...... the fields;
>>Q000374 004
5. e2 kisz{ki}-a iri lil2-la-gin7 masz-kan2 gi4-gi4-de3
#tr.en: to turn the house of Kiš, which was like a haunted town, into a living settlement again,
>>Q000374 005
6. lugal-bi sipa ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4
#tr.en: its king, shepherd Ur-Zababa,
>>Q000374 006
7. e2 kisz{ki}-a-ka {d}utu-gin7 am3-e3
#tr.en: rose like Utu over the house of Kiš.
>>Q000374 007
8. nam-lugal-la-na bala-bi szu kur2-ru-de3 e2-gal-la LAM-bi su3-ra2-x-x
#tr.en: However, to alter his term of reigning and to remove the prosperity of the palace
>>Q000374 008
9. an {d}en-lil2 inim ku3-ga-ne-ne-a zi-de3-esz x x x
#tr.en: An and Enlil authoritatively (?) decided (?) by their holy command.
>>Q000374 009
10. ki u4-bi szar-ru-um-ki-in iri-ni iri [...]
#tr.en: Then Sargon - his city was the city of ......,
>>Q000374 010
11. ad-da-ni la-i-bu-um ama-ni [...]
#tr.en: his father was La’ibum, his mother ......
>>Q000374 011
12. szar-ru-um-ki-in sza3 du10-ga mu-[...]
#tr.en: Sargon ...... with happy heart.
>>Q000374 012
13. mu im-ta-tu-ud-da-asz x [...]
#tr.en: Since he was born ...
>>Q000374 013
$ rest broken
@m=segment B
1. u4 ne u4 te-en-e um-ma-te-a-ta
#tr.en: One day, after the evening had arrived,
>>Q000374 014
2. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in sa2-du11 e2-gal-sze3 im-de6-a-ba
#tr.en: and Sargon had brought the regular deliveries to the palace,
>>Q000374 015
3. |GA2xMI| ku3 ki-tusz ku3-ga-ni-a im-ma-da-an-nu2
#tr.en: He Ur-Zababa was sleeping (and dreaming) in the holy bed-chamber, his holy residence.
>>Q000374 016
4. sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2
#tr.en: He realised what the dream was about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone.
>>Q000374 017
5. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in sa2-du11 e2-gal-sze3 szu ba-ab-te-a-ta
#tr.en: After Sargon had received the regular deliveries for the palace,
>>Q000374 018
6. |MUSZ3.KA.UL| mu-un-se3-ga {gesz}gu2-ne-sag-ga2 mu-un-dab5-be2
#tr.en: Ur-Zababa appointed him cupbearer, putting him in charge of the drinks cupboard.
>>Q000374 019
7. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 da-bi-a musz3 nu-tum2-me
#tr.en: Holy inanna did not cease to stand by him.
>>Q000374 020
8. u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ta
#tr.en: After five or 10 days had passed,
>>Q000374 021
9. lugal {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 im-da-la2 ki-tusz-bi-ta mi-ni-ib-hu-luh
#tr.en: King Ur-Zababa ...... and became frightened in his residence.
>>Q000374 022
10. pirig-gin7 sza3 pap-hal-la-na |USZxA| bi-bi sza3-ba usz2 |BAD.U4| si-a-ba
#tr.en: Like a lion he urinated, sprinkling his legs, and the urine contained blood and pus.
>>Q000374 023
11. i3-kusz2 ku6 a mun lu-ga-gin7 zi mu-un-di-ni-ib-ir-ir
#tr.en: He was troubled, he was disturbed like a fish living in brackish water.
>>Q000374 024
12. u4-ba |MUSZ3.KA.UL| e2-din {d}|SZE.TIR|-ka
#tr.en: It was then that the cupbearer of Ezina's wine-house,
>>Q000374 025
13. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in u3-sa2-gin7 la-ba-nu2 ma-mu2-de3 ba-nu2
#tr.en: Sargon, lay down not to sleep, but lay down to dream.
>>Q000374 026
14. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 ma-mu2 i7 mud-sze3 mu-un-gir5-gir5
#tr.en: In the dream, holy inanna drowned Ur-Zababa in a river of blood.
>>Q000374 027
15. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in dum-dam-ma-na zu2 ki-sze3 ba-da-ab-ra-ah
#tr.en: The sleeping Sargon groaned and gnawed the ground.
>>Q000374 028
16. dum-dum-bi lugal {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 gesz tuku-tuku-da-ni
#tr.en: When King Ur-Zababa heard about this groaning,
>>Q000374 029
17. lugal-ra ki ku3-ga-ni-sze3 im-ma-da-an-sun5-ne-esz
#tr.en: he was brought into the king's holy presence,
>>Q000374 030
18. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in ki {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4-sze3 im-ma-da-an-sun5-ne
#tr.en: Sargon was brought into the presence of Ur-Zababa (who said:)
>>Q000374 031
19. |MUSZ3.KA.UL| ma-mu2 ge6 u3-na x-na u3-mu-ri-du8
#tr.en: "Cupbearer, was a dream revealed to you in the night?"
>>Q000374 032
20. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in lugal-a-ni im-ma-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Sargon answered his king:
>>Q000374 033
21. lugal-gu10 ma-mu2-gu10 u3-mu-ri-du11-ga
#tr.en: My king, this is my dream, which I will tell you about:
>>Q000374 034
22. {lu2}ki-sikil 1(disz)-am3 an-gin7 sukud-da-ni ki-gin7 dagal-la-ni
#tr.en: There was a young woman who was as high as the heavens and as broad as the earth.
>>Q000374 035
23. suhusz? bad3-da-gin7 gar-gar-ra
#tr.en: She was firmly set as the base of a wall.
>>Q000374 036
24. i7 mah i7 mud-sze3 ga2-ra mu-un-gir5-re-de3-en
#tr.en: For me, she drowned you in a great river, a river of blood."
>>Q000374 037
25. x x {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 nundum KA bi2-in-gu7 ni2 sza3-sze3 ba-gid2
#tr.en: Ur-Zababa chewed his lips, he became seriously afraid.
>>Q000374 038
26. [...] x NA AN x sukkal-a-ni gu3 mu-na-de2-e
#tr.en: He spoke to ......, his chancellor:
>>Q000374 039
27. [...] nin9 e-gu10 ku3 {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: "My royal sister, holy inanna,
>>Q000374 040
28. [...] x x mud-sze3 u-gu10 mu-un-ku4-re
#tr.en: is going to change (?) my finger into a ...... of blood;
>>Q000374 041
29. x x 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in |MUSZ3.KA.UL| i7 mah mu-un-gir5-gir5
#tr.en: she will drown Sargon, the cupbearer, in the great river.
>>Q000374 042
30. {disz}be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 simug gal lu2 sza3-ga de6-a-gu10 im sar-sar
#tr.en: Beliš-tikal, chief smith, man of my choosing, who can write tablets,
>>Q000374 043
31. inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10 he2-dab5
#tr.en: I will give you orders, let my orders be carried out!
>>Q000374 044
32. na de5-ga-gu10 |GESZ.TUG2.PI.SZIR@t.SILA3| he2-em-szi-ak
#tr.en: Let my advice be followed!
>>Q000374 045
33. ne-esz2 |MUSZ3.KA.UL| zabar-szu-ga2 a-ra-x-ab-de6
#tr.en: Now then, when the cupbearer has delivered my bronze hand-mirror (?) to you
>>Q000374 046
34. e2-sikil-la e2 nam tar-ra-ka alan-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a se3-bi2-ib
#tr.en: in the E-sikil, the fated house, throw them (the mirror and Sargon) into the mould like statues."
>>Q000374 047
35. {disz}be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 inim lugal-la-na-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak
#tr.en: Beliš-tikal heeded his king's words
>>Q000374 048
36. e2-sikil e2 nam tar-ra-ka kusz3-kusz3-a si mu-un-sa2
#tr.en: and prepared the moulds in the E-sikil, the fated house.
>>Q000374 049
37. lugal-e 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in gu3 mu-na-de2-e
#tr.en: The king spoke to Sargon:
>>Q000374 050
38. gen-na zabar-szu-ga2 simug-gal-sze3 tum2-mu-na-ni-ib
#tr.en: "Go and deliver my bronze hand-mirror (?) to the chief smith!"
>>Q000374 051
38A. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in e2-gal {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 im-ma-da-ra-ab-e3
$(inserted here from the edge)
#tr.en: Sargon left the palace of Ur-Zababa.
>>Q000374 052a
39. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 za3 zi-da-ni musz3 nu-tum2-mu
#tr.en: Holy inanna, however, did not cease to stand at his right hand side,
>>Q000374 053
40. e2-sikil-la e2 nam tar-ra-ka 5(disz) ninda 1(u) ninda nu-te-a-na
#tr.en: and before he had come within five or 10 ninda of the E-sikil, the fated house,
>>Q000374 054
41. ku3 {d}inanna-ke4 igi mu-un-na-nigin2-nigin2 giri3-ni im-da-RU
#tr.en: holy inanna turned around toward him and blocked his way, (saying:)
>>Q000374 055
42. e2-sikil-la e2 ku3-ga na-nam lu2 mud nu-mu-un-ku4-re
#tr.en: "The E-sikil is a holy house! No one polluted with blood should enter it!"
>>Q000374 056
43. ka2 e2 nam tar-ra-ka simug-gal lugal-la-ke4 gaba mu-un-da-ri
#tr.en: Thus he met the chief smith of the king only at the gate of the fated house.
>>Q000374 057
44. zabar-szu lugal-la-ke4 simug-gal-sze3 mu-un-de6-a-ta
#tr.en: After he delivered the king's bronze hand-mirror (?) to the chief smith,
>>Q000374 058
45. {disz}be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 simug-gal im-da-la2 alan-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a ba-da-ab-se3-ga-bi
#tr.en: Beliš-tikal, the chief smith, ...... and threw it into the mould like statues.
>>Q000374 059
46. {disz}szar-ru-um-ki-in u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ta
#tr.en: After five or 10 days had passed, Sargon
>>Q000374 060
47. ki {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 lugal-la-na-sze3 im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: came into the presence of Ur-Zababa, his king;
>>Q000374 061
48. sza3 e2-gal kur gal-gin7 ki us2-sa im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: he came into the palace, firmly founded like a great mountain.
>>Q000374 062
49. lugal {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 im-da-la2 ki-tusz-bi-ta mi-ni-ib-hu-luh
#tr.en: King Ur-Zababa ...... and became frightened in his residence.
>>Q000374 063
50. sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2
#tr.en: He realised what was it about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone.
>>Q000374 064
51. |GA2xMI|-ka ki-tusz ku3-ga-ni {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 mi-ni-ib-hu-luh
#tr.en: Ur-Zababa became frightened in the bed-chamber, his holy residence.
>>Q000374 065
52. sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2
#tr.en: He realised what was it about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone.
>>Q000374 066
53. u4-bi-ta inim im-ma gub-bu he2-gal2 im si-si-ge ba-ra-gal2-la-am3
#tr.en: In those days, although writing words on tablets existed, putting tablets into envelopes did not yet exist.
>>Q000374 067
54. lugal {d}ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in dingir-re-e-ne szu du11-ga-ar
#tr.en: King Ur-Zababa despatched Sargon, the creature of the gods,
>>Q000374 068
55. im-ma gub-bu nig2 ni2 ba-ug7-a-ta
#tr.en: with a message written on clay, which was about murdering Sargon
>>Q000374 069
56. unu{ki}-ga lugal-za3-ge4-e-si szu ba-ni-ib-tag4-tag4
#tr.en: to Lugal-zage-si in Uruk.
>>Q000374 070
$ rest broken
@m=segment C
1. dam lugal-za3-ge4-si-da im-[...]
#tr.en: With the wife of Lugal-zage-si ...
>>Q000374 071
2. nam-munus an-dul3-esz2 mu-ni-ba x [...]
#tr.en: She gave(?) her feminity as a shelter ...
>>Q000374 072
3. lugal-za3-ge4-si kin-gi4-a nu-[...]
#tr.en: Lugal-zage-si did not ... the envoy.
>>Q000374 073
4. ga2-nam-ma sig4 e2-an-na-sze3 giri3 mu-un-gub
#tr.en: "Come! He directed his steps to brick-built E-ana!"
>>Q000374 074
5. lugal-za3-ge4-si sza3-ga-ni nu-un-zu ugu kin-gi4-a nu-mu-un-du11-du11
#tr.en: Lugal-zage-si did not grasp it, he did not talk to the envoy.
>>Q000374 075
6. en-na ugu kin-gi4-a na-mu-un-du11-du11 igi dumu nun ba-an-da-bad
#tr.en: But as soon as he did talk to the envoy ...
>>Q000374 076
7. en-e u8 bi2-in-du11 sahar-ra ba-an-da-tusz
#tr.en: "Alas!" and sat in the dust.
>>Q000374 078
8. lugal-za3-ge4-si kin-gi4-a-ar im-szi-in-gi4
#tr.en: Lugal-zage-si replied to the envoy:
>>Q000374 079
9. kin-gi4-a szar-ru-ki-in gu2 nu-mu-un-se3-se3
#tr.en: "Envoy, Sargon does not yield."
>>Q000374 080
10. gam-gam-ma-ni szar-ru-ki-in lugal-za3?-ge4-si ...
#tr.en: After he has submitted,Sargon ... Lugal-zage-si ...
>>Q000374 081
11. szar-ru-ki-in lugal-za3-ge4-si [...]
#tr.en: Sargon ... Lugal-zage-si ...
>>Q000374 082
12. a-na-asz-am3 szar-ru-ki-in [...]
#tr.en: Why .... Sargon ....?
>>Q000374 083
jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

surface b and bottom in the same text will not happen right => ri

epageperron commented 6 years ago

"What should be the output for this? "

o r eo er el eri

epageperron commented 6 years ago

@surface a1 => a1 basically take all what is after surface as the surface abbreviation

epageperron commented 6 years ago

I went through the checker errors you gave me, please see the Slack thread under the out.txt file you send.

epageperron commented 6 years ago

some of the errors in the ATF that triggers the problems in the cdli-conll checker have been repaired. let's use a new version of the atf next time : https://github.com/cdli-gh/data

note that at one point we will update seal entries on tablets to just the actual full id of the seal and not the text it contains, eg instead of @seal 1 seal contents

we would have @S999999 without the text

epageperron commented 6 years ago


epageperron commented 6 years ago

In the case of numbered bottoms only, the bottom isn't a surface anymore and should be treated at the same level as a column.

Consider :

&P101241 = AnOr 01, 250 
#atf: lang sux 
@column 1 
1. 2(u) 1(disz) 1(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 21 17.5/60 female laborer days, 
2. iti 1(u) 2(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: for 12 months, 
3. iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta 
#tr.en: from month “Harvest” 
4. iti {d}dumu-zi-sze3 
#tr.en: to month “Dumuzi,” 
5. a2-bi u4 2(szar2) 7(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) 
#tr.en: its labor: 7665 days; 
# calculation: (21 17.5/60) × 12 × 30 = 7665 
6. [5(disz)] geme2# u4 3(u)-sze3 a2-bi u4 2(gesz2) 3(u) 
#tr.en: 5 female laborers for 30 days, its labor: 150 days: 
# calculation: 5 × 30 = 150 
7. [geme2] bar#-ra-kar-ra 
#tr.en: female bara-kara-workers. 
8. [3(disz) 2/3(disz)] geme2# u4 3(u) 3(disz)-sze3 a2-bi u4 2(gesz2) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) 
#tr.en: 3 2/3 female laborers for 33 days, its labor: 121.5 days, 
# calculation: 3 2/3 × 33 = 121 (?) 
9. [ki a]-kal-la-ta 
#tr.en: from Akalla; 
10. [3(u)] geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 30 female laborer days 
11. [ki] ur#-{d}nu-musz-da-ta 
#tr.en: from Ur-Numušda. 
12. [1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2)] 5(u) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 890 female laborer days 
13. [ki] na-ba-sa2-ta 
#tr.en: from Nabasa. 
$ blank space 
14. szunigin 2(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: Total: 8,856.5 female laborer days 
# calculation: 7665 + 150 + 121.5 + 30 + 890 = 8856.5 
$ blank space 
15. sag-nig2-gur11-ra-kam 
#tr.en: are the debit. 
16. sza3-bi-ta 
#tr.en: Therefrom: 
@column 2 
1. 1(u) 5(ban2) 1(disz) zi3 sig15 gur 
#tr.en: 10 gur 5 ban2 1 (sila3) rough flour, 
2. 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 esza 
#tr.en: 4 ban2 5 sila3 of eša, 
3. 7(asz) 1(ban2) zi3-gu 
#tr.en: 7 gur 1 ban2 of pea-flour, 
4. 2(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 zi3 ba-ba sze x 
#tr.en: 2 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 of baba-flour, 
5. 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 zi3-gu x gur 
#tr.en: 5 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 7 sila3 of x pea-flour flour, 
6. 1(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin gur 
#tr.en: 15 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 of semolina, 
7. 4(barig) 2(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra# 
#tr.en: 4 barig 2 ban2 2 sila3 of groats, 
$ blank space 
# with erased calculations 
8. a2-bi u4 2(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) 
#tr.en: its labor: 1626 2/3 workdays: 
# calculation: (3051 ÷ 10 (sila3 per day)) + (45 ÷ 20) + (2110 ÷ 8) + (28.67 ÷ x) + (1637 ÷ z) + (4611.5 ÷ 10) + (262 ÷ 20) = 1626 2/3 
9. nig2-ka9 sze-ta 
#tr.en: from the barley account; 
10. 7(gesz2) 5(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 425 female laborer days, 
11. a2# zi3 ar3-a sa2-du11 ensi2# 
#tr.en: labor of flour-milling, rations for the governor; 
12. 3(u) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 kasz-de2-a# sukkal-mah 
#tr.en: 30 female laborer days, “beer-pouring” of the sukkalmaḫ; 
13. 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(disz) geme2 u4 [1(disz)-sze3] kun-zi#-da dub-la2-{d}[utu]-ka 
#tr.en: 88 female laborer days, at the weir of Dubla-Utu; 
14. 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 2030 female laborer days, 
15. a2 tug2 tuku5-a 
#tr.en: labor of weaving; 
$ blank space 
# erasure 
16. kiszib3 8(disz) gu-du-du 
#tr.en: 8 sealed documents of Gududu. 
17. 4(u) 5(disz) geme2# u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 zi3 ar3-a [sza3] na#-gab2-tum 
#tr.en: 45 female laborer days, labor of flour-milling, of the Nagabtum; 
18. 1(gesz2) 5(u) 2(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 112 female laborer days, 
19. umma{ki}-ta nag-su{ki}-sze3 dug szu4-gan i3 e2-gal-sze3 tum3-ma ga6-ga2 
#tr.en: from Umma to Nagsu šugan-pots of oil brought (?) and carried to the palace. 
@bottom 2 
1. 1(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) 
#tr.en: (subtotal:) 4296 2/3 
# calculation: 1626 2/3 + 425 + 30 + 88 + 2030 + 45 + 112 = 4356 2/3 (text has 4296 2/3, or 1(gesz2) less) 
# written over erasures 
@column 1 
1. 9(gesz2) 4(u) 3(disz) geme2# [u4 1(disz)-sze3] 
#tr.en: 583 female laborer days, 
2. ki-su7 kar-bar-ra# [du6-gub3]-temen-na-ta umma{ki}-sze3# x-[...] 
#tr.en: from threshing floor of outer quay Dugub-temen to Umma ... . 
3. 5(u) 8(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 umma{ki}-ta x x x x ninda ga6-ga2 
#tr.en: 58 female laborer days, from Umma ... bread carried, 
4. [...] {d}nin-ur4-ra 
#tr.en: ... Ninurra; 
5. [...]-x-LU gub-ba 
#tr.en: at ... stationed; 
6. [...]-mu 
#tr.en: ...;. 
7. [n geme2 u4] 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: n female laborer days, 
8. [...] ar3-ra# 
#tr.en: ... ground; 
9. [...] x [x] 
#tr.en:... x; 
$ n lines broken 
10'. [...] ri#-ga 
#tr.en: ..., 
11'. [... {d}]en#-lil2-la2 x 
#tr.en: ... for Enlil; 
$ blank space 
12'. [...]-{gesz#}gigir 
#tr.en: ..., 
$ blank space 
13'. [...]-ta# 
#tr.en: from ... 
14'. [...] 
#tr.en: ... 
15'. [...] 
#tr.en: ... 
16'. [...] x [...] ba#?-ri?-ga 
#tr.en: ..., 
17'. [... ka]-ma#-ri2 
#tr.en: ... Kamari; 
18'. [...]-i3-li2 
#tr.en: ...-ili, 
19'. [...] lu2#-{d}szul-gi-ra 
#tr.en: Lu-Šulgira. 
20'. 3(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz)# geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 
#tr.en: 198 female laborer days, 
@bottom 1 
1. 5(gesz'u) 5(u) 7(disz) 
#tr.en: (subtotal:) 3057; 
# calculation: 583 + 58 + (2218 broken) + 198 = 3057 
@column 2 
1. zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 a-ba-gal-{d}en-lil2-sze3 
#tr.en: shocks gathered, the field Abagal-Enlil; 
2. kiszib3 x ur-{d}nun-gal x 
#tr.en: sealed documents ... of Ur-Nungal x. 
3. ($ blank space $) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 a-sza3 {d}szara2-ta e2-masz-sze3 gi-zi ga6-ga2 
#tr.en: Ø female laborer days, from field Šara to Emaš fodder-reed carried. 
4. kiszib3 ad-da 
#tr.en: sealed document of Adda. 
$ blank space 
5. 2(u) 1(disz) geme2 u4 [n(disz)-sze3 ...] 
#tr.en: 21 female laborers for a period of n days, 
6. a2-bi [u4 n] 
#tr.en: its labor: 21×n days; 
7. bala-[sze3 gen-na bala-a gub-ba u3] 
#tr.en: to the bala gone, stationed at the bala, and 
8. bala-[ta gur-ra] 
#tr.en: from the bala returned; 
$ n lines broken 
$ blank space 
9'. szunigin? 1(szar2)# [...] 
#tr.en: total: 3600 ... 
$ blank space 
10'. zi-[ga-am3] 
#tr.en: booked out; 
11'. la2-ia3 [n] 
#tr.en: the deficit: n; 
12'. x-[...] 
#tr.en: ... 
13'. nig2-ka9#-[ak ...] 
#tr.en: account of .... 
14'. iti {d#}[dumu-zi] 
#tr.en: month of ... 
15'. mu [us2-sa {d}szu]-{d}suen lugal# 
#tr.en: Year after: “Šū-Suen is king.” 
# so reconstructed based on space considerations and prosopography 

Should result in :

o.col1.1.1  2(u)
o.col1.1.2  1(disz)
o.col1.1.3  1(u)
o.col1.1.4  7(disz)
o.col1.1.5  1/2(disz)
o.col1.1.6  gin2
o.col1.1.7  geme2
o.col1.1.8  u4
o.col1.1.9  1(disz)-sze3
o.col1.2.1  iti
o.col1.2.2  1(u)
o.col1.2.3  2(disz)-sze3
o.col1.3.1  iti
o.col1.3.2  sze-sag11-ku5-ta
o.col1.4.1  iti
o.col1.4.2  {d}dumu-zi-sze3
o.col1.5.1  a2-bi
o.col1.5.2  u4
o.col1.5.3  2(szar2)
o.col1.5.4  7(gesz2)
o.col1.5.5  4(u)
o.col1.5.6  5(disz)
o.col1.6.1  5(disz)
o.col1.6.2  geme2
o.col1.6.3  u4
o.col1.6.4  3(u)-sze3
o.col1.6.5  a2-bi
o.col1.6.6  u4
o.col1.6.7  2(gesz2)
o.col1.6.8  3(u)
o.col1.7.1  geme2
o.col1.7.2  bar-ra-kar-ra
o.col1.8.1  3(disz)
o.col1.8.2  2/3(disz)
o.col1.8.3  geme2
o.col1.8.4  u4
o.col1.8.5  3(u)
o.col1.8.6  3(disz)-sze3
o.col1.8.7  a2-bi
o.col1.8.8  u4
o.col1.8.9  2(gesz2)
o.col1.8.10 1(disz)
o.col1.8.11 1/2(disz)
o.col1.9.1  ki
o.col1.9.2  a-kal-la-ta
o.col1.10.1 3(u)
o.col1.10.2 geme2
o.col1.10.3 u4
o.col1.10.4 1(disz)-sze3
o.col1.11.1 ki
o.col1.11.2 ur-{d}nu-musz-da-ta
o.col1.12.1 1(gesz'u)
o.col1.12.2 4(gesz2)
o.col1.12.3 5(u)
o.col1.12.4 geme2
o.col1.12.5 u4
o.col1.12.6 1(disz)-sze3
o.col1.13.1 ki
o.col1.13.2 na-ba-sa2-ta
o.col1.14.1 szunigin
o.col1.14.2 2(szar2)
o.col1.14.3 2(gesz'u)
o.col1.14.4 7(gesz2)
o.col1.14.5 3(u)
o.col1.14.6 6(disz)
o.col1.14.7 1/2(disz)
o.col1.14.8 geme2
o.col1.14.9 u4
o.col1.14.10    1(disz)-sze3
o.col1.15.1 sag-nig2-gur11-ra-kam
o.col1.16.1 sza3-bi-ta
o.col2.1.1  1(u)
o.col2.1.2  5(ban2)
o.col2.1.3  1(disz)
o.col2.1.4  zi3
o.col2.1.5  sig15
o.col2.1.6  gur
o.col2.2.1  4(ban2)
o.col2.2.2  5(disz)
o.col2.2.3  sila3
o.col2.2.4  esza
o.col2.3.1  7(asz)
o.col2.3.2  1(ban2)
o.col2.3.3  zi3-gu
o.col2.4.1  2(ban2)
o.col2.4.2  8(disz)
o.col2.4.3  2/3(disz)
o.col2.4.4  sila3
o.col2.4.5  zi3
o.col2.4.6  ba-ba
o.col2.4.7  sze
o.col2.4.8  x
o.col2.5.1  5(asz)
o.col2.5.2  2(barig)
o.col2.5.3  1(ban2)
o.col2.5.4  7(disz)
o.col2.5.5  sila3
o.col2.5.6  zi3-gu
o.col2.5.7  x
o.col2.5.8  gur
o.col2.6.1  1(u)
o.col2.6.2  5(asz)
o.col2.6.3  1(barig)
o.col2.6.4  5(ban2)
o.col2.6.5  5(disz)
o.col2.6.6  sila3
o.col2.6.7  dabin
o.col2.6.8  gur
o.col2.7.1  4(barig)
o.col2.7.2  2(ban2)
o.col2.7.3  2(disz)
o.col2.7.4  sila3
o.col2.7.5  nig2-ar3-ra
o.col2.8.1  a2-bi
o.col2.8.2  u4
o.col2.8.3  2(gesz'u)
o.col2.8.4  7(gesz2)
o.col2.8.5  6(disz)
o.col2.8.6  2/3(disz)
o.col2.9.1  nig2-ka9
o.col2.9.2  sze-ta
o.col2.10.1 7(gesz2)
o.col2.10.2 5(disz)
o.col2.10.3 geme2
o.col2.10.4 u4
o.col2.10.5 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.11.1 a2
o.col2.11.2 zi3
o.col2.11.3 ar3-a
o.col2.11.4 sa2-du11
o.col2.11.5 ensi2
o.col2.12.1 3(u)
o.col2.12.2 geme2
o.col2.12.3 u4
o.col2.12.4 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.12.5 kasz-de2-a
o.col2.12.6 sukkal-mah
o.col2.13.1 1(gesz2)
o.col2.13.2 2(u)
o.col2.13.3 8(disz)
o.col2.13.4 geme2
o.col2.13.5 u4
o.col2.13.6 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.13.7 kun-zi-da
o.col2.13.8 dub-la2-{d}utu-ka
o.col2.14.1 3(gesz'u)
o.col2.14.2 3(gesz2)
o.col2.14.3 5(u)
o.col2.14.4 geme2
o.col2.14.5 u4
o.col2.14.6 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.15.1 a2
o.col2.15.2 tug2
o.col2.15.3 tuku5-a
o.col2.16.1 kiszib3
o.col2.16.2 8(disz)
o.col2.16.3 gu-du-du
o.col2.17.1 4(u)
o.col2.17.2 5(disz)
o.col2.17.3 geme2
o.col2.17.4 u4
o.col2.17.5 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.17.6 a2
o.col2.17.7 zi3
o.col2.17.8 ar3-a
o.col2.17.9 sza3
o.col2.17.10    na-gab2-tum
o.col2.18.1 1(gesz2)
o.col2.18.2 5(u)
o.col2.18.3 2(disz)
o.col2.18.4 geme2
o.col2.18.5 u4
o.col2.18.6 1(disz)-sze3
o.col2.19.1 umma{ki}-ta
o.col2.19.2 nag-su{ki}-sze3
o.col2.19.3 dug
o.col2.19.4 szu4-gan
o.col2.19.5 i3
o.col2.19.6 e2-gal-sze3
o.col2.19.7 tum3-ma
o.col2.19.8 ga6-ga2
o.b2.1.1    1(szar2)
o.b2.1.2    1(gesz'u)
o.b2.1.3    1(gesz2)
o.b2.1.4    3(u)
o.b2.1.5    6(disz)
o.b2.1.6    2/3(disz)
r.col1.1.1  9(gesz2)
r.col1.1.2  4(u)
r.col1.1.3  3(disz)
r.col1.1.4  geme2
r.col1.1.5  u4
r.col1.1.6  1(disz)-sze3
r.col1.2.1  ki-su7
r.col1.2.2  kar-bar-ra
r.col1.2.3  du6-gub3-temen-na-ta
r.col1.2.4  umma{ki}-sze3
r.col1.2.5  x-...
r.col1.3.1  5(u)
r.col1.3.2  8(disz)
r.col1.3.3  geme2
r.col1.3.4  u4
r.col1.3.5  1(disz)-sze3
r.col1.3.6  umma{ki}-ta
r.col1.3.7  x
r.col1.3.8  x
r.col1.3.9  x
r.col1.3.10 x
r.col1.3.11 ninda
r.col1.3.12 ga6-ga2
r.col1.4.1  ...
r.col1.4.2  {d}nin-ur4-ra
r.col1.5.1  ...-x-LU
r.col1.5.2  gub-ba
r.col1.6.1  ...-mu
r.col1.7.1  n
r.col1.7.2  geme2
r.col1.7.3  u4
r.col1.7.4  1(disz)-sze3
r.col1.8.1  ...
r.col1.8.2  ar3-ra
r.col1.9.1  ...
r.col1.9.2  x
r.col1.9.3  x
r.col1.10'.1    ...
r.col1.10'.2    ri-ga
r.col1.11'.1    ...
r.col1.11'.2    {d}en-lil2-la2
r.col1.11'.3    x
r.col1.12'.1    ...-{gesz}gigir
r.col1.13'.1    ...-ta
r.col1.14'.1    ...
r.col1.15'.1    ...
r.col1.16'.1    ...
r.col1.16'.2    x
r.col1.16'.3    ...
r.col1.16'.4    ba-ri-ga
r.col1.17'.1    ...
r.col1.17'.2    ka-ma-ri2
r.col1.18'.1    ...-i3-li2
r.col1.19'.1    ...
r.col1.19'.2    lu2-{d}szul-gi-ra
r.col1.20'.1    3(gesz2)
r.col1.20'.2    1(u)
r.col1.20'.3    8(disz)
r.col1.20'.4    geme2
r.col1.20'.5    u4
r.col1.20'.6    1(disz)-sze3
r.b1.1.1    5(gesz'u)
r.b1.1.2    5(u)
r.b1.1.3    7(disz)
r.col2.1.1  zar3
r.col2.1.2  tab-ba
r.col2.1.3  a-sza3
r.col2.1.4  a-ba-gal-{d}en-lil2-sze3
r.col2.2.1  kiszib3
r.col2.2.2  x
r.col2.2.3  ur-{d}nun-gal
r.col2.2.4  x
r.col2.3.1  geme2
r.col2.3.1  u4
r.col2.3.2  1(disz)-sze3
r.col2.3.3  a-sza3
r.col2.3.4  {d}szara2-ta
r.col2.3.5  e2-masz-sze3
r.col2.3.6  gi-zi
r.col2.3.7  ga6-ga2
r.col2.4.1  kiszib3
r.col2.4.2  ad-da
r.col2.5.1  2(u)
r.col2.5.2  1(disz)
r.col2.5.3  geme2
r.col2.5.4  u4
r.col2.5.5  n(disz)-sze3
r.col2.5.6  ...
r.col2.6.1  a2-bi
r.col2.6.3  n
r.col2.7.1  bala-sze3
r.col2.7.2  gen-na
r.col2.7.3  bala-a
r.col2.7.4  gub-ba
r.col2.7.5  u3
r.col2.8.1  bala-ta
r.col2.8.2  gur-ra
r.col2.9'.1 szunigin
r.col2.9'.2 1(szar2)
r.col2.9'.3 ...
r.col2.10'.1    zi-ga-am3
r.col2.11'.1    la2-ia3
r.col2.11'.2    n
r.col2.12'.1    x-...
r.col2.13'.1    nig2-ka9-ak
r.col2.13'.2    ...
r.col2.14'.1    iti
r.col2.14'.2    {d}dumu-zi
r.col2.15'.1    mu
r.col2.15'.2    us2-sa
r.col2.15'.3    {d}szu-{d}suen
r.col2.15'.4    lugal
jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

b comes after if numbered. - only bottom has this restriction.

jayanthkmr commented 6 years ago

It is fixed now. Please test. @epageperron