Closed TOMSLAUS closed 1 month ago
How can I make innactive icons be white (the same color as active one) ? Heres the code to recreate my issue
PersistentTabView( tabs: routers.navBarsItems(context), navBarBuilder: (navBarConfig) => Style6BottomNavBar( navBarDecoration: NavBarDecoration(color: Constants.primaryColor), navBarConfig: navBarConfig, ), gestureNavigationEnabled: true, controller: authModel.tabController, resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true, popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab: false, popActionScreens: PopActionScreensType.all, screenTransitionAnimation: const ScreenTransitionAnimation( curve: Curves.ease, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200), ), )
Nav bar items:
List<PersistentTabConfig> navBarsItems(BuildContext context) { return [ PersistentTabConfig( screen: TeamDashBoardPage(), item: ItemConfig( activeForegroundColor: Colors.white, inactiveBackgroundColor: Colors.white, icon: const FaIcon(, ), title: (t.misc.home), ), ), PersistentTabConfig( screen: UserPaymentsPage(), item: ItemConfig( activeForegroundColor: Colors.white, inactiveBackgroundColor: Colors.white, icon: const FaIcon(FontAwesomeIcons.creditCard), title: (t.user.myPayments), ), ), PersistentTabConfig( screen: ProfilePage(), item: ItemConfig( activeForegroundColor: Colors.white, inactiveBackgroundColor: Colors.white, icon: const FaIcon(FontAwesomeIcons.user), title: (t.user.profile), ), ), ]; }
In your TabConfig it should refer to the foregroundColor instead of the backgroundColor:
... inactiveForegroundColor: Colors.white, ...
How can I make innactive icons be white (the same color as active one) ? Heres the code to recreate my issue
Nav bar items: