jbalogh / vending-machine

a script for managing vendor libraries
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vend add doesn't do pinned submodules correctly #3

Open davedash opened 12 years ago

davedash commented 12 years ago
vend -d. add  git://github.com/jbalogh/django-mobility@644e0c1c58#egg=

will create in .gitmodules:

[submodule "src/django-mobility"]
    path = src/django-mobility
url = git://github.com/jbalogh/django-mobility@644e0c1c58

let's strip out the @... in gitmodules.

fwenzel commented 12 years ago

... of course, it'll still need to commit the right revision pointer though.

davedash commented 12 years ago

yeah as I undersatnd it, .gitmodules doesn't track the revision, just the repo.

Which seems kinda half-assed to me.

fwenzel commented 12 years ago

Yeah weird how the revision pointer is a "magic file" of sorts that you commit, in addition to the .gitmodules file. Not sure I'm on board with that git design decision!