jbengler / tidyplots

Tidy Plots for Scientific Papers
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Adjusting add_data_labels_repel aesthetics #12

Closed dtow closed 1 day ago

dtow commented 2 days ago


Thank you for sharing this code.

I just started playing around with the plotting and I'm having trouble figuring out how to adjust the segment linetype in add_data_labels_repel. I had specified linetypes as a categorical variable in the tidyplot call, but that doesn't seem to carry over to add_data_labels_repel. When I try to specify the segment.linetype as the same categorical variable, I get an error that the categorical variable doesn't exist. Is there a trick I'm missing?

Here's some example code. The first block shows that the label linetypes aren't the same as the time series linetypes. In the second block, I try to adjust the segment.linetype but get an error.

Linetype doesn't transfer from tidy plot to add_data_labels_repel

time_course %>% tidyplot(x = day, y = score, color = treatment, dodge_width = 0, linetype = treatment ) %>% add_line( data = filter_rows( subject == 'id30' | subject == 'id22' ) ) %>% add_data_labels_repel( data = filter_rows( subject == 'id22', score == 3 ), label = subject, color = "black", background = T, na.rm = T, min.segment.length = 0, nudge_x = -5 )

add_data_labels_repel doesn't recognize the column name

time_course %>% tidyplot(x = day, y = score, color = treatment, dodge_width = 0, linetype = treatment ) %>% add_line( data = filter_rows( subject == 'id30' | subject == 'id22' ) ) %>% add_data_labels_repel( data = filter_rows( subject == 'id22', score == 3 ), label = subject, color = "black", background = T, na.rm = T, min.segment.length = 0, nudge_x = -5, segment.linetype = treatment )

Thank you for any assistance you can provide!



R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 Running under: macOS 15.0.1

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jbengler commented 2 days ago

Hi @dtow

Thank you for using tidyplots!

I am not sure if I get what you want to achieve. Here are some general thoughts:

  1. The argument segment.linetype of add_data_labels_repel() can only take static values. These can not be drawn from the dataset itself.
  2. The aesthetic linetype in tidyplot() only has an effect on lines but not on add_data_labels_repel(), which is basically a text label with a connecting line to the data point.
  3. To my knowledge there is no way to populate segment.linetype dynamically from the dataset in the sense of a ggplot2 aesthetic defined by ggplot2::aes().

Best Jan