The following code is throwing an mpmath error when run in python 3. The code is being called from
ProfileInfo with method ='nsb'
Part of the error message is : TypeError: cannot create mpf from 6
Note that I have already tried passing in floating point arguments to quadgl.
def S(x, N, K):
Return the estimated entropy. x is a vector of counts, nxkx is the histogram
of the input histogram constructed by make_nxkx. N is the total number of
elements, and K is the degree of freedom.
>>> from numpy import array
>>> nTest = array([4, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2])
>>> K = 9 # which is actually equal to nTest.size.
>>> S(make_nxkx(nTest, K), nTest.sum(), K)
nxkx = make_nxkx(x,K)
mp.dps = DPS
mp.pretty = True
f = lambda w: _Si(w, nxkx, N, K)
g = lambda w: _measure(w, nxkx, N, K)
return np.log2(np.exp(1))*quadgl(f, [0, 1])/quadgl(g, [0, 1])
The following code is throwing an mpmath error when run in python 3. The code is being called from ProfileInfo with method ='nsb' Part of the error message is : TypeError: cannot create mpf from 6 Note that I have already tried passing in floating point arguments to quadgl.