jbruening / ugui-mvvm

Unity3D uGUI mvvm databinding via the standard IXChanged interfaces used in wpf (INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyCollectionChanged, etc)
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Proposal: updated naming #6

Closed ryantrem closed 5 years ago

ryantrem commented 5 years ago

The names "View" and "View Model" have been causing some confusion on our team, since we sometimes use INPCBinding to bind a view property to another view property. With the changes in this PR, I tried changing the "View" to "Target" and "View Model" to "Source."

I also updated the BindingMode enum names to make more sense with this naming scheme. Since they ended up being very close to the Xaml BindingMode, I just went ahead and used the exact same names as Xaml. One nice thing about this is that the Xaml documentation for BindingMode enum values would now perfectly describe the BindingMode enum values of the same name in ugui-mvvm.

These changes use the FormerlySerializedAs attribute to ensure backward compatibility (e.g. these changes would not break existing serialized assets).

