jcausey-astate / NoduleX_code

Supporting code for the paper "Highly accurate model for prediction of lung nodule malignancy with CT scans".
36 stars 13 forks source link

Could you send me the codes? Thank you very much! #4

Closed guyucowboy closed 6 years ago

guyucowboy commented 6 years ago

Hi, jcausey-astate Thanks for sharing your great work! Could you send me the codes? I can not download the codes. I have tried to download the codes for many times, but they are always interrupted as the network is not very well. My mail is 664805854@qq.com or guyu2010023@imust.cn Thank you very much! Best regards. Gu Yu

guyucowboy commented 6 years ago

Hi, jcausey-astate I download the codes. -:) Best regards. Gu Yu