Update the application to generate the user ID and /users data server-side for improved performance and security.
Modify the /users route to fetch and render the user list server-side using Astro's server-side capabilities.
Refactor the /users/[id] route to dynamically fetch user data on the server.
Ensure that the user ID is generated securely when a new user is added to the database.
Update the Drizzle schema or logic to handle unique, server-generated IDs.
Add error handling to return appropriate status codes (e.g., 404 for non-existent IDs).
Optimize the database queries to minimize latency and improve performance.
Acceptance Criteria:
The /users route is fully rendered server-side, and the client receives pre-rendered HTML.
The /users/[id] route dynamically fetches and renders user data on the server.
User IDs are securely generated and stored in the database.
Routes handle invalid or non-existent IDs gracefully with a 404 page.
There are no regressions in functionality or performance.
Description: Update the application to generate the user ID and /users data server-side for improved performance and security.
Modify the /users route to fetch and render the user list server-side using Astro's server-side capabilities. Refactor the /users/[id] route to dynamically fetch user data on the server. Ensure that the user ID is generated securely when a new user is added to the database. Update the Drizzle schema or logic to handle unique, server-generated IDs. Add error handling to return appropriate status codes (e.g., 404 for non-existent IDs). Optimize the database queries to minimize latency and improve performance. Acceptance Criteria:
The /users route is fully rendered server-side, and the client receives pre-rendered HTML. The /users/[id] route dynamically fetches and renders user data on the server. User IDs are securely generated and stored in the database. Routes handle invalid or non-existent IDs gracefully with a 404 page. There are no regressions in functionality or performance.