Hello, do you happen to know why I might be getting this error in my script?:
21:29:20 ERROR! conflicting action statements: file, notify
21:29:20 The error appears to have been in '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Provisioning (Ansible)/roles/nginx/tasks/remove-defaults.yml': line 2, column 3, but may
21:29:20 be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
21:29:20 The offending line appears to be:
21:29:20 ---
21:29:20 - name: Disable the default site
21:29:20 ^ here
My scripts used to work, but now fail in remove-defaults.yml. Could it have to do with a change in the version of Ansible I'm using? Thank you.
Hello, do you happen to know why I might be getting this error in my script?:
My scripts used to work, but now fail in remove-defaults.yml. Could it have to do with a change in the version of Ansible I'm using? Thank you.