jdi-testing / jdi-light

Powerful Framework for UI Automation Testing on Java
MIT License
109 stars 47 forks source link
applitools automated-testing automation-ui bdd-style-testing-framework effort html-element html-elements java jdi jdi-light predictable-tests saucelabs selenium tutorial ui-testing

JDI Light Test Automation Framework

License: MIT stackoverflow PDD Status FOSSA Status SLACK


Starting from release 1.5.0 we will support JDK 11+ only. In case of any critical updates required in previous releases (for example, due to vulnarabilities), please contact to our team.


For fast start you can go through tutorial

More links:
Documentation: https://jdi-docs.github.io/jdi-light/?java - different types of documentation from introduction and tutorial to technical methods documentation
Introduction + fast start example: https://jdi-docs.github.io/jdi-light/?java#introduction
Tutorial: https://jdi-docs.github.io/jdi-light/?java#tutorial - helps to get main ideas on practice
Tutorial repo: https://github.com/jdi-tutorials
Project templates: https://github.com/jdi-templates - for fast projects start
Examples: https://github.com/jdi-examples
How to use UI Elements examples
Increase test performance examples
How to start contribution setup environment
How to design element basic description


JDI Light – is the test Framework for UI test automation that helps to makes your tests fast and sustainable and provide obvious and predictable test run result


Our plans

Ultimate Goal

Develop an automation framework based on AI that can identify and write correct stable PageObject automatically without engineers effort, generate smoke tests for application in seconds and some negative cases too. Run test execution automatically and correct tests if any changes in layout happens provide good reports for test project team and recommendations how Project can be improved

Nearest plans


Useful Links

Test site: https://jdi-testing.github.io/jdi-light/

Login to get access to all pages (Login: Roman; Password: Jdi1234)

Html Elements examples: https://jdi-testing.github.io/jdi-light/html5.html

Example Html elements tests: https://github.com/jdi-testing/jdi-light/tree/master/jdi-light-html-tests

Example Scenario tests: https://github.com/jdi-testing/jdi-light/tree/master/jdi-light-examples

Site: http://jdi.epam.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jdi.framework/

You can ask your questions on StackOverflow with htmlelements tag

Community and Support

Get Help in active users Slak chat: https://join.slack.com/t/jdi-family/shared_invite/zt-toag8fgg-ppPiW~lZDU9873JAiSwTJw

(Depricated) Get Help in active users Skype chat: https://join.skype.com/clvyVvnZvWqc


Mail: roman.iovlev.jdi@gmail.com

Skype: roman.iovlev


FOSSA Status