jeduan / cordova-plugin-facebook4

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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iOS: UIWebView to WKWebView #857

Closed davidericardo closed 4 years ago

davidericardo commented 4 years ago

Due to the ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage, Apple will stop allow app submissions that are using the UIWebView. So, instead we may use WKWebView.

Since this plugin is using UIWebView, is it foreseen to have it updated according to Apple requirements? Or is there a way by using the current solution to avoid this issue?

Thanks. DR

davidericardo commented 4 years ago

It seems that using the Cocoa Pods (correctly) the issue is solved by Apple. So, I would close this topic once the app is submitted without any reported issues.

neerajsaxena0711 commented 4 years ago

@davidericardo I am facing the same issue. Can you tell me how did you exactly solve this? I did not understand what you meant by "using cocoa pods correctly"

antonello-alfatauristudio commented 4 years ago

any news about this?

demym commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem with this plugin. Also for me, what ‘using cocoapods correctly’ means ?

permsaknmk commented 4 years ago

@neerajsaxena0711 , @antonello-alfatauristudio , @demym

  1. find and open Podfile
  2. change version of pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', 'x.x.x' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', 'x.x.x' pod 'FBSDKShareKit', 'x.x.x' to pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '5.5.0' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', '5.5.0' pod 'FBSDKShareKit', '5.5.0'
  3. run command 'pod update' in terminal
  4. Archives and upload again

reference : hope it help you.

RaghavCoddle commented 4 years ago

Hi I have added below things to pod file: pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '5.5.0' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', '5.5.0' pod 'FBSDKShareKit', '5.5.0'

But do we need to install cordova-plugin-facebook4 ? My app is getting rejected again and again by app store due to UIWebView.

Can anybody help me out?

assertdesignuk commented 4 years ago

I've forked the plugin and changed the ".framework" files the latest ones in the FB SDK off the FB SDK website.

I will then include this plugin in my config.xml and it should no longer use UIWEBVIEW.

Will update later.