jeduan / cordova-plugin-facebook4

Use the latest Facebook SDK in your Cordova and Ionic projects
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Change message or remove confirmation alert to use facebook login in IOS (I am using IONIC 5) #870

Closed YeisonVelez11 closed 3 years ago

YeisonVelez11 commented 4 years ago

feature request

[ ] I'm reporting a reproducible issue with the code [ x ] I'm reporting a feature request

When I try to authenticate with Facebook, this alert appears every time I try to log in. I fear that the appstore will reject the application since the alert messages must be modified. I have 2 scenarios:

1- how to eliminate that alert (I have read that by downloading the facebook sdk, I am new to the use of xcode, I do not know how to do this, I am not sure which version I should download it)

2- how to change the alert message?.

Thanks a lot. uA9O6

noahcooper commented 3 years ago

This plugin is deprecated. Check out cordova-plugin-facebook-connect at

This is a standard dialog that is part of the Facebook Login flow.