jefflunt / glint-box

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Reset switch #23

Open brandtdaniels opened 11 years ago

brandtdaniels commented 11 years ago

Since there are no buttons to spare on an NES or SNES controller and ideally we don't want to have a keyboard attached, a switch to exit the game is necessary.

Two options for switches:

Option 1:

really easy to implement. Acts as a hard reset switch to reset the whole RPi.

Option 2:

More difficult, uses the GPIO pins, a minor circuit involved, and a program in kernel space.

compile: git://

setup to start at boot.

hook up switch

jefflunt commented 11 years ago

Let me know how your experiments go here. I hope to eventually build kits that are the full-blown console experience (a pre-built SD card along with an RPi, a case, a controller, and all the cables), not just the software. So I'm definitely curious to find out what the cost/complexity tradeoffs are here.

brandtdaniels commented 11 years ago

Needed to instal SNESDev-Rpi:

apt-get -y install git
export PIHOME="/home/pi"
tar -zxvf bcm2835-1.14.tar.gz
mkdir $PIHOME/supplementary
mv bcm2835-1.14 $PIHOME/supplementary/
pushd $PIHOME/supplementary/bcm2835-1.14
make clean
make install
rm bcm2835-1.14.tar.gz 
mkdir -p $PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi
git clone "git://" "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi"
pushd $PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/
if [[ ! -f "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/bin/SNESDev" ]]; then
         __ERRMSGS="$__ERRMSGS Could not successfully compile SNESDev."  
         cp "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/bin/SNESDev" /usr/local/bin/
#enable SNESDev on boot polling only button
if [[ ! -f "/etc/init.d/SNESDev" ]]; then
   if [[ ! -f "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/bin/SNESDev" ]]; then
      echo "Cannot find SNESDev binary. Please install SNESDev."    
      chmod +x "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/scripts/SNESDev"
      cp "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/scripts/SNESDev" /etc/init.d/
   cp "$PIHOME/supplementary/SNESDev-Rpi/bin/SNESDev" /usr/local/bin/
#ARG 2 is polling button only
sed "/etc/init.d/SNESDev" -i -e 's|^DAEMON_ARGS.*|DAEMON_ARGS="2"|g'
# This command installs the init.d script so it automatically starts on boot
update-rc.d SNESDev defaults
# This command starts the daemon now so no need for a reboot
service SNESDev start    
echo "avoid_safe_mode=1" >> /boot/config.txt
echo "input_exit_emulator = escape" >> $PIHOME/.retroarch/retroarch.cfg
echo "rewind_enable = true" >> $PIHOME/.retroarch/retroarch.cfg
echo "input_rewind = r" >> $PIHOME/.retroarch/retroarch.cfg
brandtdaniels commented 11 years ago

The button works great!!!! I laid it out on a breadboard....I also ordered the GPIO adapter from Florian (petrockblog)

Used an Omron B3F-1000 momentary tactile button

[ P1-1 (3.3vdc) ] ----> [ -- Button -- ] ----> [ P1-11 (GPIO17) ] ----> [ 20% 10K Ohm Resistor ] ----> [ P1-9 (GND) ]

Here is how it's used:

brandtdaniels commented 11 years ago

So when the button is pressed five times and the system shuts down, there is still a red power light that is on. I read that if you use a reset switch at jumper P6 on the pi that it can also power the system back up from a halt, so I tried it and it works. A button at jumper P6 would act as a reset switch and a boot from halt switch.

adrianmoisey commented 11 years ago

I've also been thinking about the extra buttons, I have a Logitech F310 gamepad that I bought because it looks like it has enough keys for all the consoles I want to emulate. The nice thing is that it has an extra button that I assign to "hotkey" in retroarch: Then I make other buttons do things like exit, save, restore, reset. Seems to work like a charm.

jefflunt commented 11 years ago

That's the kind of controls I'm interested in as well - customizing my setup to allow save/restore etc.

I may also be considering, in addition to selling kits, to offer an arcade stick option that provides enough buttons for all that extra stuff. That would be a separate kit option, however. In that scenario I would support, out of the box, two controller setups. Looks like the udev option to select a config based on the controller may be something that's going to make us end up supporting hundreds of controllers.

Maybe it won't be all that bad - maybe the community will standardize around 10 controllers or something. :S


On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 4:25 AM, Adrian Moisey notifications@github.comwrote:

I've also been thinking about the extra buttons, I have a Logitech F310 gamepad that I bought because it looks like it has enough keys for all the consoles I want to emulate. The nice thing is that it has an extra button that I assign to "hotkey" in retroarch: Then I make other buttons do things like exit, save, restore, reset. Seems to work like a charm.

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jefflunt commented 11 years ago

Someone posted this in the RPi forums a little bit ago. I didn't know this is how the exit emulator hotkeys worked, but apparently it's totally possible to exit the emulator without a keyboard right now. We just have to set both options in the retroarch.cfg file.

brandtdaniels commented 11 years ago

made a change to main.c in SNESDev-Rpi:

1 press to exit retrorarch 2 press to shutdown the pi

                                if (btnPressCtr==1) {
                                        //send_key_event(uinh, KEY_R,0);
                                        // Sending ESC
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,1);
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,0);
                                } else if (btnPressCtr==2) {
                                        // shutting down
                                        pollButton = 0;
                                        pollPads = 0;
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,1);
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,0);
                                        system("shutdown -t 3 -h now");
                                } /*else if (btnPressCtr==3) {
                                        // Sending ESC
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,1);
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,0);
                                } else if ( btnPressCtr==5 ) {
                                        // shutting down
                                        pollButton = 0;
                                        pollPads = 0;
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,1);
                                        send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,0);
                                        system("shutdown -t 3 -h now");

What else would be useful to us?

jefflunt commented 11 years ago

I think that's pretty good. The main thing I want is for exiting retroarch to be the least number of presses, since it's the most common task.

Everything else, I think, can be done via the glint-es menu, but I definitely like the double press to shutdown thing.


On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 12:47 AM, Brandt Daniels notifications@github.comwrote:

made a change to main.c in SNESDev-Rpi:

1 press for exit retrorarch 2 press to shutdown the pi

if (btnPressCtr==1) { //send_key_event(uinh, KEY_R,0); // Sending ESC send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,1); usleep(50000); send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,0); } else if (btnPressCtr==2) { // shutting down pollButton = 0; pollPads = 0; send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,1); usleep(50000); send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,0);

                                system("shutdown -t 3 -h now");
                        } /*else if (btnPressCtr==3) {
                                // Sending ESC
                                send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,1);
                                send_key_event(uinh, KEY_ESC,0);
                        } else if ( btnPressCtr==5 ) {
                                // shutting down
                                pollButton = 0;
                                pollPads = 0;
                                send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,1);
                                send_key_event(uinh, KEY_F4,0);

                                system("shutdown -t 3 -h now");

What else would be useful to us?

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DNA64 commented 11 years ago

I've been struggling to get the exit emulator function working properly in the retroarch.cfg.

The following code results in that pressing the "start(5)" button without the use of the hotkey button "select(6)" still activates the exit command which of course is undesirable.

#Exit back to rom list
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6"
input_exit_emulator_btn = "5"

I was hoping that I could just use "input_player2_exit_emulator_btn = "5" so that I could use the start button on the player 2 controller, but alas that failed to work :(

There's other ways I can achieve the reset, but the above method imo would be the best.

jefflunt commented 11 years ago

2 player support is broken in the January release, which I'm guessing is the reason why the second controller solution doesn't work. On Aug 22, 2013 3:36 AM, "DNA64" wrote:

I've been struggling to get the exit emulator function working properly in the retroarch.cfg.

The following code results in that pressing the "start(5)" button without the use of the hotkey button "select(6)" still activates the exit command which of course is undesirable.

Exit back to rom list

input_enable_hotkey_btn = "6" input_exit_emulator_btn = "5"

I was hoping that I could just use "input_player2_exit_emulator_btn = "5" so that I could use the start button on the player 2 controller, but alas that failed to work :(

There's other ways I can achieve the reset, but the above method imo would be the best.

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