jeffmer / TTGO-T-watch-2020-Micropython-OS

All micropython watch software for TTGO T-watch 2020 V1, V2 & V3
The Unlicense
19 stars 5 forks source link

Project name #5

Open thiswillbeyourgithub opened 11 months ago

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 11 months ago


I was wondering what was the name of the project. "TTGO-T-watch-2020-Micropython-OS" is more of a description than a name IMHO :)

Is it tempos? Or does that just mean "temporary os"?


jeffmer commented 11 months ago

Tempos is short for temporal operating system - temporal meaning relating to time from the from the Latin tempus

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 11 months ago

Oh neat. Do you mind me updating the to reflect this?

jeffmer commented 11 months ago

No, please do.

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 11 months ago


devnoname120 commented 11 months ago

@jeffmer Would you consider renaming the repository accordingly?

jonnor commented 3 months ago

Renaming a Github repository usually sets up redirects from the old name. So in most cases it works quite pain free :)

jeffmer commented 3 months ago

Sorry missed this suggestion - would be happy to rename. To avoid misunderstanding what exactly would the name be?