jeffreykemp / jk64-plugin-reportmap

Report Google Map APEX Plugin
MIT License
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Spiderfiy Markers #77

Closed SmileyMan closed 4 years ago

SmileyMan commented 5 years ago


Even with marker cluster locations that have the exact same LAT/LNG hide each other (Converting Postcodes to LAT/LNG so happens to me)

I use ROUND(LATITUDE + -0.00030 * COS((+90*dbms_random.value()) / 180 * 3.1415926), 10) AS LATITUDE ROUND(LONGITUDE + - 0.00030 * COS((+90*dbms_random.value()) / 180 * 3.1415926), 10) AS LONGITUDE at the moment to move markers a little bit but found this does weird stuff to Marker Cluster (Duplicates markers)

Cluster Markers that spiderfiy at around zoom 13-15 be excellent.

Some links to explain what I mean: (Perfect)

jeffreykemp commented 4 years ago

Added in Release 1.2