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Future developments in brain-machine interface research #2

Closed markroxor closed 7 years ago

markroxor commented 7 years ago Summarize this paper.

markroxor commented 7 years ago

BCI strategies -

Non-Invasive : EEG based, a metal conductor is placed on the scalp to measure the signals sent by brain. Invasive : Surgically open the skull and place probes to avoid any distortion in signals caused by skull. Leaves a scar-tissue behind.

Width of skull - 6.5mm (men) 7.1mm (women)

markroxor commented 7 years ago

In our most recent design of multielectrode implants, electrodes are arranged into subsets sitting inside guiding tubes.37 The electrodes within these subsets have different lengths. The guiding tubes are spaced at 0.5–2 mm, and each of them is independently movable. This new three-dimensional (3D) design, named ‘the multi-electrode recording cube' not only improves the size of the potential neuronal sample recorded simultaneously per probe, but also enhances the implantation capacity of the microelectrodes in the brain tissue as each electrode subset penetrates individually, minimizing cortical dimpling. Currently, we are expanding this new cube design to develop the next generation of implants that will increase the number of potential active recording sites per cube to about 1500

as the size of each implanted microelectrode is of vital importance when so many electrodes are inserted into richly vascularized brain tissue, it is imperative to produce as little tissue displacement as possible during the surgical implantation of these recording devices. This issue will be resolved by removing the structural elements after implantation, thereby freeing the microelectrodes made of smaller diameter microwires than that required to pierce and penetrate the brain tissue. Not only will small diameter microwires minimize the mechanical distortion of nervous tissue, it will also help to minimize microglial and other immune responses to the foreign material. Our approach will allow implantation of small-diameter wires and thereby avoid failures associated with large-diameter implants. Fine electrodes will be guided into the brain with a strong, stiff tungsten central shaft. Later on, the shaft will be removed, leaving the electrodes in the brain. Each single electrode shaft will carry 10–20 recording microwires, staggered to cover the targeted nervous tissue. To refer properly to this new technology and to distinguish it from previous approaches, we have coined the term ‘very-large scale multichannel brain implants' (VLS-MBI).