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The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks #52

Closed markroxor closed 6 years ago

markroxor commented 6 years ago

markroxor commented 6 years ago

A glaring limitation of Vanilla Neural Networks (and also Convolutional Networks) is that their API is too constrained: they accept a fixed-sized vector as input (e.g. an image) and produce a fixed-sized vector as output (e.g. probabilities of different classes). Not only that: These models perform this mapping using a fixed amount of computational steps (e.g. the number of layers in the model). The core reason that recurrent nets are more exciting is that they allow us to operate over sequences of vectors:

markroxor commented 6 years ago

Each rectangle is a vector and arrows represent functions (e.g. matrix multiply). Input vectors are in red, output vectors are in blue and green vectors hold the RNN's state (more on this soon). From left to right: (1) Vanilla mode of processing without RNN, from fixed-sized input to fixed-sized output (e.g. image classification). (2) Sequence output (e.g. image captioning takes an image and outputs a sentence of words). (3) Sequence input (e.g. sentiment analysis where a given sentence is classified as expressing positive or negative sentiment). (4) Sequence input and sequence output (e.g. Machine Translation: an RNN reads a sentence in English and then outputs a sentence in French). (5) Synced sequence input and output (e.g. video classification where we wish to label each frame of the video). Notice that in every case are no pre-specified constraints on the lengths sequences because the recurrent transformation (green) is fixed and can be applied as many times as we like.

markroxor commented 6 years ago

If training vanilla neural nets is optimization over functions, training recurrent nets is optimization over programs.

markroxor commented 6 years ago

We want the green numbers to be high and red numbers to be low.

markroxor commented 6 years ago

we see that in the first time step when the RNN saw the character “h” it assigned confidence of 1.0 to the next letter being “h”, 2.2 to letter “e”, -3.0 to “l”, and 4.1 to “o”. Since in our training data (the string “hello”) the next correct character is “e”, we would like to increase its confidence (green) and decrease the confidence of all other letters (red). Similarly, we have a desired target character at every one of the 4 time steps that we’d like the network to assign a greater confidence to. Since the RNN consists entirely of differentiable operations we can run the backpropagation algorithm (this is just a recursive application of the chain rule from calculus) to figure out in what direction we should adjust every one of its weights to increase the scores of the correct targets (green bold numbers). We can then perform a parameter update, which nudges every weight a tiny amount in this gradient direction.

markroxor commented 6 years ago

Notice also that the first time the character “l” is input, the target is “l”, but the second time the target is “o”. The RNN therefore cannot rely on the input alone and must use its recurrent connection to keep track of the context to achieve this task.

markroxor commented 6 years ago

Linux Source Code

I wanted to push structured data to its limit, so for the final challenge I decided to use code. In particular, I took all the source and header files found in the Linux repo on Github, concatenated all of them in a single giant file (474MB of C code) (I was originally going to train only on the kernel but that by itself is only ~16MB). Then I trained several as-large-as-fits-on-my-GPU 3-layer LSTMs over a period of a few days. These models have about 10 million parameters, which is still on the lower end for RNN models. The results are superfun:

markroxor commented 6 years ago
 * Increment the size file of the new incorrect UI_FILTER group information
 * of the size generatively.
static int indicate_policy(void)
  int error;
  if (fd == MARN_EPT) {
     * The kernel blank will coeld it to userspace.
    if (ss->segment < mem_total)
      ret = 1;
    goto bail;
  segaddr = in_SB(in.addr);
  selector = seg / 16;
  setup_works = true;
  for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
    seq = buf[i++];
    bpf = bd-> + i * search;
    if (fd) {
      current = blocked;
  rw->name = "Getjbbregs";
  regs->new = blocks[(BPF_STATS << info->historidac)] | PFMR_CLOBATHINC_SECONDS << 12;
  return segtable;
markroxor commented 6 years ago

The code looks really quite great overall. Of course, I don’t think it compiles but when you scroll through the generate code it feels very much like a giant C code base. Notice that the RNN peppers its code with comments here and there at random. It is also very good at making very few syntactic errors. For example, it uses strings properly, pointer notation, etc. It also opens and closes brackets {[ correctly and learns to indent its code very well. A common error is that it can’t keep track of variable names: It often uses undefined variables (e.g. rw above), declares variables it never uses (e.g. int error), or returns non-existing variables.

markroxor commented 6 years ago
markroxor commented 6 years ago

Not the right place!