jellyfin / jellyfin-plugin-anilist

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Add option to treat series as season #76

Open Wortex17 opened 3 months ago

Wortex17 commented 3 months ago

As there is a major split between western-centric metadata providers that organize animes into seasons and most anime focused providers that don't and often don't even have the concept of seasons, it is almost impossible to have a neat colleciton that e.g. uses anilist and tmdb at the same time.

A quick solution could be to give this plugin the option to treat a jellyfin "season" like a series / provide season metadata by actually matching a serie sin the backend - and possibly use season 1 as the template for the series metadata itself. This could also be supported by the various anime mapping projects ie

While deifnitely not the optimal solution, it would probably circumvent the hard-lock onto a set of metadata providers.

I guess that would mean , though, that there'd need to be some way to add "series id" to the season.nfo files (or rely on the mapping files mentioned above)