jessepeterson / margarita

Web frontend for reposado
The Unlicense
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move 'new branch' to navbar, 'apply' to bottom right? #34

Open arubdesu opened 8 years ago

arubdesu commented 8 years ago

Workflow-wise, it may be an interface paradigm to load up a screenful of stuff to operate on, interact, then on the bottom right click 'submit'. the 'new branch' interface elements therefore seem out of place, and it always feels weird to use a text label for the 'submit' action. Pardon that I'm not leading with a mockup or PR...

jessepeterson commented 8 years ago

I could see moving the new-branch to the navbar (to make it all consistent), but I wouldn't want the apply button to move to the bottom right. Apply could move far right, right of the search box, I suppose, as an alternative. Thoughts?

arubdesu commented 8 years ago

Top right corner definitely seems like the better location.