jetsonhacks / rootOnNVMe

Switch the rootfs to a NVMe SSD on the Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier
MIT License
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Docs - Upgrading & modules, etc #5

Open logidelic opened 4 years ago

logidelic commented 4 years ago

The current documentation states:

Once this service is installed, the rootfs will be on the SSD. If you upgrade to a newer version of L4T using OTA updates (using the NVIDIA .deb repository), you will need to also apply those changes to the SD card that you are booting from.

Typically this involves copying the /boot* directory and /lib/modules// from the SSD to the SD card. If they are different, then modules load will be 'tainted', that is, the modules version will not match the kernel version.

Can someone comment on exactly what files/etc are loaded from the base boot device? Clearly the kernel is loaded from the internal boot device. However, am I right in understanding from the above that all kernel modules are loaded from the internal boot device as well?

Also: After booting with the nvme hack, is it safe to mount the internal boot device and write to it (ex to update said modules) before rebooting?

Thank you!

pmundt commented 4 years ago

You can, yes, but when there are bootloader and kernel updates I found it less error prone to simply disable the nvme chroot temporarily, reboot onto the SD card, do the package upgrades, copy over the updated files to nvme, and then re-enable the chroot. Trying to do this directly from the nvme as a root device after the last round of updates left me with a non-booting system that took some work to get back into shape.