There may be an issue with tips sometimes, though very rarely, getting attached to the underside of the flat part of the head due to static electricity. A workaround for this could be to change which side of the head tips are mounted on. By using A12 instead of A1 and picking tips from the left side of the box, the head should not come in contact with other tips in the box.
This requires:
Changing head mode in the .pro files
Moving where labware are placed so that the wells are accessible
Affected protocols:
There may be an issue with tips sometimes, though very rarely, getting attached to the underside of the flat part of the head due to static electricity. A workaround for this could be to change which side of the head tips are mounted on. By using
instead ofA1
and picking tips from the left side of the box, the head should not come in contact with other tips in the box.This requires:
class intransfer_lib.js