jharwig / PPSSignatureView

iOS Signature Capture Demo
MIT License
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configure cocoaPods #21

Open udithaPS opened 8 years ago

udithaPS commented 8 years ago

I,m new to iOS development. I didn't use cocoapods before. can you please give me complete work floor about configuring this project with cocoaPods.

Initially I got this issue..

PhaseScriptExecution Check\ Pods\ Manifest.lock /Users/entt/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PPSSignatureDemo-aegeuwydbgumskbugijmhqyhohfc/Build/Intermediates/PPSSignatureDemo.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/PPSSignatureDemo.build/Script-51C5B5620D3B4693B8ED7D34.sh cd /Users/entt/Desktop/editors/PPSSignatureView-master/Example /bin/sh -c /Users/entt/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PPSSignatureDemo-aegeuwydbgumskbugijmhqyhohfc/Build/Intermediates/PPSSignatureDemo.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/PPSSignatureDemo.build/Script-51C5B5620D3B4693B8ED7D34.sh

diff: /../Podfile.lock: No such file or directory diff: /Manifest.lock: No such file or directory error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.

MosheBerman commented 8 years ago

First you need to install cocoapods. To do that, you need to run sudo gem install cocoapods in Terminal.

Next, you need to make sure you are in the correct directory. That's usually the one that has a podfile and your Xcode project in it. That's cd PATH_TO_THE_EXAMPLE_DIRECTORY, wherever you might have downloaded the repository to.

Finally, run pod install. This will find and install the cocoapods in your pod file in the current directory. It will also generate an xcworkspace file for you to use instead of your project.

So, to summarize:

$> sudo gem install cocoapods
$> pod install

Then you should be good to go.

screen shot 2015-12-10 at 11 19 00 am

CavanLife commented 7 years ago

$> pod install Analyzing dependencies [!] The dependency PPSSignatureView (from../PPSSignatureView.podspec) is not used in any concrete target.

how can i do this?

CavanLife commented 7 years ago

Yeah, i have resolved this issue. Modify the podfile content with

target 'PPSSignatureDemo' do

pod 'PPSSignatureView', :path => '../PPSSignatureView.podspec'


then, pod install.