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Eothenomys melanogaster / 03F06D13FFB3207908991339090DFEA8.xml does not contain "Status and Conservation" section #5

Closed jhpoelen closed 1 year ago

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

Eothenomys melanogaster / 03F06D13FFB3207908991339090DFEA8 does not appear to have "Status and Conservation" section.


flsimoes commented 1 year ago

A couple of pages were duplicated in the "chapter". These have now been converted into artifact and the missing part of the treatment has been moved to its correct position.

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

@flsimoes thanks for sharing. When do you expect the changes to propagate to plazi/treatments-xml ?

flsimoes commented 1 year ago

@flsimoes thanks for sharing. When do you expect the changes to propagate to plazi/treatments-xml ?

Usually it should be up just a few minutes after I finish editing it. Unless there's some unforeseen cache hiccup.

jhpoelen commented 1 year ago

In most recent version of hmw.json, Eothenomys melanogaster appears to have the statusAndConservation section populated:

cat hmw.json | grep "03F06D13FFB32047089913390A4AFDDC" | jq .


  "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasDerivedFrom": "zip:hash://sha256/ec5fd314a06aba1a7b0b72f23e54ac625ae272bd98f82f1d01f4c09627d9e8e0!/treatments-xml-main/data/03/F0/6D/03F06D13FFB32047089913390A4AFDDC.xml",
  "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type": "application/plazi+xml",
  "docId": "03F06D13FFB32047089913390A4AFDDC",
  "docName": "hbmw_7_Cricetidae_0204.pdf.imf",
  "docOrigin": "Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions",
  "docMasterId": "hash://md5/ffc9156bffae20670d37145c0837ffdb",
  "docISBN": "978-84-16728-04-6",
  "docPageNumber": "308",
  "verbatimText": "66. Pere David's Red-backed Vole Eothenomys melanogaster French: Campagnol a ventre noir / German: Pére-David-Rotelmaus / Spanish: Topillo rojo de Pere David Other common names: Melano-bellied Oriental Vole, Pere David's Vole Taxonomy. Arvicola melanogaster MilneEdwards, 1872 , Moupin (= Baoxing), W Szechuan, China . Eothenomys melanogaster is in the subgenus Eothenomys . It might consist of more than one species and is in need of a thorough revision. Additionally, E. melanogaster and E. miletus are still not unambiguously delimited. A number of subspecies have been recognized within melanogaster and miletus , but subspecific variation was never meticulously revised in any of them. Monotypic. Distribution. NE Myanmar, China (SE Gansu, S Ningxia, Sichuan, W Yunnan, S Shaanxi, Chongqing, Guizhou, W Hubei, N Guangdong, S Anhui, N Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and N Fujian), and Taiwan . Reports from India and Thailand probably relate to the Yunnan Red-backed Vole (FE. miletus ). Descriptive notes. Head-body 70-115 mm, tail 21-55 mm; weight 18-46-5 g. Body weight of Pere David's Red-backed Vole is highest in autumn and lowest in summer. It is medium-sized, and tail is short, 31-48% of head-body length. Ears are hidden in fur. Females have two pairs of inguinal mammary glands. Fur is velvety, uniformly black-brown above and slightly lighter below. Feet and sparsely haired tail are blackish brown. Skull is deep, with wide interorbital region, broad rostrum, and expanded zygomatic arches. Molars are hypsodont and rootless, with thick enamel, very little cement, and rounded outer angles. Alternating dental fields are widely confluent, and M? is simple, usually having only two inner salient angles. Habitat. Mountainous forests and meadows with subtropical monsoon climate at elevations of 600-3000 m, abundant only above 1000 m. Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is catholic and occupies any site that provides sufficient cover. Food and Feeding. Pere David's Red-backed Vole feeds on leaves and stems in spring and summer and fruits in autumn and winter. Breeding. Breeding season of Pere David's Red-backed Vole is restricted to February-March and September—October. Activity patterns. No information. Movements, Home range and Social organization. Average home range of Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is 417 m* for males and 469 m? for females. Home ranges over- lap, even within the same sex, suggesting lack of territoriality. On average, females move more (33-3 m + 3-1 m SD) than males (28:2 m + 1-7 m SD). Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. Distribution of Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is ¢.1,000,000 km?. Bibliography. Bao Yixin & Zhuge Yang (1986), Kaneko (2002), Luo Zexun et al. (2000), Shenbrot & Krasnov (2005), Xu Jing et al. (2011), Yu Hontsen (1993).",
  "taxonomy": "Arvicola melanogaster MilneEdwards, 1872 , Moupin (= Baoxing), W Szechuan, China . Eothenomys melanogaster is in the subgenus Eothenomys . It might consist of more than one species and is in need of a thorough revision. Additionally, E. melanogaster and E. miletus are still not unambiguously delimited. A number of subspecies have been recognized within melanogaster and miletus , but subspecific variation was never meticulously revised in any of them. Monotypic.",
  "commonNames": "Campagnol a ventre noir @fr | Pére-David-Rotelmaus @de | Topillo rojo de Pere David @es | Melano-bellied Oriental Vole @en | Pere David's Vole @en",
  "interpretedBaseAuthorityName": "Milne-Edwards",
  "interpretedBaseAuthorityYear": "1871",
  "interpretedClass": "Mammalia",
  "interpretedFamily": "Cricetidae",
  "interpretedGenus": "Eothenomys",
  "interpretedKingdom": "Animalia",
  "interpretedOrder": "Rodentia",
  "interpretedPageId": "29",
  "interpretedPageNumber": "308",
  "interpretedPhylum": "Chordata",
  "interpretedRank": "species",
  "interpretedSpecies": "melanogaster",
  "name": "Eothenomys melanogaster",
  "subspeciesAndDistribution": "NE Myanmar, China (SE Gansu, S Ningxia, Sichuan, W Yunnan, S Shaanxi, Chongqing, Guizhou, W Hubei, N Guangdong, S Anhui, N Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and N Fujian), and Taiwan . Reports from India and Thailand probably relate to the Yunnan Red-backed Vole (FE. miletus ).",
  "distributionImageURL": "https://zenodo.org/record/6760405/files/figure.png",
  "bibliography": "Bao Yixin & Zhuge Yang (1986) | Kaneko (2002) | Luo Zexun et al. (2000) | Shenbrot & Krasnov (2005) | Xu Jing et al. (2011) | Yu Hontsen (1993)",
  "foodAndFeeding": "Pere David's Red-backed Vole feeds on leaves and stems in spring and summer and fruits in autumn and winter.",
  "breeding": "Breeding season of Pere David's Red-backed Vole is restricted to February-March and September—October.",
  "activityPatterns": "No information.",
  "movementsHomeRangeAndSocialOrganization": "Average home range of Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is 417 m* for males and 469 m? for females. Home ranges over- lap, even within the same sex, suggesting lack of territoriality. On average, females move more (33-3 m + 3-1 m SD) than males (28:2 m + 1-7 m SD).",
  "statusAndConservation": "Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. Distribution of Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is ¢.1,000,000 km?.",
  "descriptiveNotes": "Head-body 70-115 mm, tail 21-55 mm; weight 18-46-5 g. Body weight of Pere David's Red-backed Vole is highest in autumn and lowest in summer. It is medium-sized, and tail is short, 31-48% of head-body length. Ears are hidden in fur. Females have two pairs of inguinal mammary glands. Fur is velvety, uniformly black-brown above and slightly lighter below. Feet and sparsely haired tail are blackish brown. Skull is deep, with wide interorbital region, broad rostrum, and expanded zygomatic arches. Molars are hypsodont and rootless, with thick enamel, very little cement, and rounded outer angles. Alternating dental fields are widely confluent, and M? is simple, usually having only two inner salient angles.",
  "habitat": "Mountainous forests and meadows with subtropical monsoon climate at elevations of 600-3000 m, abundant only above 1000 m. Pere David’s Red-backed Vole is catholic and occupies any site that provides sufficient cover."