jhwangbo / ME491_2022_project

MIT License
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How to use this repo

There is nothing to compile here. This only provides a header file for an environment definition. Read the instruction of raisimGym.



  1. Compile raisimgym: python setup develop
  2. run runner.py of the task (for anymal example): cd raisimGymTorch/env/envs/rsg_anymal && python ./runner.py

Test policy

  1. Compile raisimgym: python setup develop
  2. run tester.py of the task with policy (for anymal example): python raisimGymTorch/env/envs/rsg_anymal/tester.py --weight data/roughTerrain/FOLDER_NAME/full_XXX.pt

Retrain policy

  1. run runner.py of the task with policy (for anymal example): python raisimGymTorch/env/envs/rsg_anymal/runner.py --mode retrain --weight data/roughTerrain/FOLDER_NAME/full_XXX.pt


  1. Compile raisimgym with debug symbols: python setup develop --Debug. This compiles _debug_app
  2. Run it with Valgrind. I strongly recommend using Clion