jianhong / ChIPpeakAnno

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Error with `bindingType` in `annotatePeakInBatch` #13

Open rbenel opened 3 years ago

rbenel commented 3 years ago


I would like to select a specific bindingType when using the annotatePeakInBatch function but I receive this error.

Annotate peaks by annoPeaks, see ?annoPeaks for details. maxgap will be ignored. Error in (function (peaks, annoData, bindingType = c("nearestBiDirectionalPromoters", : length(intersect(seqlevelsStyle(peaks), seqlevelsStyle(annoData))) > .... is not TRUE

rbenel commented 3 years ago

As a result of the bindingType and bindingRegion being ignore, the distancetoFeature is not limited to genes in the area and can be as many as 3599488 bases away from the closest feature...

jianhong commented 2 years ago

Please check the seqlevels of your peaks and annoData.