jimeh / tmux-themepack

A pack of various Tmux themes.
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Themes not being applied anymore with tmux 3.1c #45

Open matheusfillipe opened 3 years ago

matheusfillipe commented 3 years ago

On my .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'jimeh/tmux-themepack'
set -g @themepack 'powerline/block/green'


But i get a default theme. This seems to be since 3.1c.

My full config: https://github.com/matheusfillipe/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux.conf

albinahlback commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem with the same version.

matheusfillipe commented 3 years ago

I downgraded to 3.1 and it still works. Yeah is just with 3.2 I guess.

pablodietz commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with 3.1b version.

matqr commented 2 years ago

Facing the same issues with 3.2a

matqr commented 2 years ago

after some rebooting, it finally started working all of a sudden. Didn't really change things. It's been a couple of days and it's still working

aleeraser commented 2 years ago

I'm facing the same issue on 3.2a, and had it also on 3.0a. Reboots did not help.

On the other side, manually reloading tmux configuration with source-file ~/.tmux.conf applies the theme correctly, like mentioned in #43.

sudermanjr commented 2 years ago

I am on 3.2a_1 and had to completely exit all tmux sessions and my terminal (alacritty) to get new themes to load today. While the issue was happening, the source-file ~/.tmux.conf did nothing to help.

jimeh commented 2 years ago

Apologies for my silence on this issue so far. I'm afraid I've not had any of these issues myself though, and I've been constantly using the latest tmux version on both macOS and Linux.

So I'm afraid I don't really know what might be going on :(

matheusfillipe commented 2 years ago

I decided to update to tmux 3.2a today and it simply worked. I just had to tmux kill-server; rm -rf /tmp/tmux-*.

Then I downgrade to 3.1c, 3.2, and they all seem to work fine. Maybe this isn't related to the tmux version or just too hard to reproduce.

aleeraser commented 2 years ago

@jimeh This is the behavior I'm facing. After opening tmux, you can see that the theme is not applied (or not applied at 100%?), and then after reloading .tmux.conf (via keyboard shortcut) the theme is applied successfully.


I'm using:

And I see the issue with both gnome-terminal (in the screencast above) and Terminator (v2.1.1).

I installed both tmux-powerline and tmux-themepack via tpm (Tmux Plugin Manager).

I don't know if this can help.

aleeraser commented 2 years ago

Ok, I just found the problem, at least on my side.

I had the following configuration for tmux-powerline in my .tmux.conf:

set-hook -g session-created 'run-shell "~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-powerline/powerline.sh init"' # prettifies the window-status segments

I don't remember from where I took that, it was probably at the beginning of my tmux powerline customization, before finding out this repository. I suggest everyone having problems here to have a look at their .tmux.conf for hooks similar to that one.

nevzatseferoglu commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue for tmux 3.3a with iterm2 emulator.

guoliang commented 1 year ago

I think I got the same issue, but the theme is applied one time, and now when I try to change to another theme it won't do anything. I removed the plugins and theme is still applied instead of going back to default.

I'm using tmux 3.3a

dastier commented 1 year ago

For me pressing prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it did the trick (https://github.com/jimeh/tmux-themepack#install-using-tmux-plugin-manager)

$ tmux -V                                                 
tmux 3.3a
Emptyfruit commented 1 year ago

Can confirm on MacOS 12.6, tmux 3.3a. I got cyan theme applied some time ago and now it is stuck. Changing theme or adding any overrides have no effect. Sourcing .conf or reinstalling plugins does not help..

YuriBrunetto commented 1 year ago

It solved for me (macOS M1 on iTerm2) by running

$ killall tmux

and then running tmux again

my version: tmux 3.3a

maddyengblad commented 10 months ago

above comment worked for me, using same version of tmux

Contraboi commented 4 months ago

You need to uninstall plugins beforehand.

Use the shortcut prefix + alt + u or navigate to tmux/plugins/, and remove the desired plugin. Then, reload tmux with killall tmux, and it should work fine.

You can check the documentation here for more information.

dej0 commented 4 months ago

Im using 3.3a. I solved it on my end by removing the folder ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux (as i noticed the old theme that i wanted to change was not removed/replaced from this dir) and then prefix + I.

tfkq commented 2 months ago

killall tmux didn't know about anything tmux, but I could kill it in the task manager (btop in my case), that solved it for me. I think in my case i didn't kill it properly before by just quitting konsole, maybe thats related to the problem

DreamingHermit commented 2 months ago

I don't know if this is helpful but I fixed mine putting the line that loads the TPM at the end of the file as it instructs. I had i in like the middle of the file and I had to source the config file every time for the theme to load but after doing that it was fixed.

This line:

run '~/.tmux/plugins/tmp/tmp'

I guess it was loading the plugins before sourcing the theme in the config.