jing1uk / MSK-JO

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Consent app #16

Open jing1uk opened 10 years ago

jing1uk commented 10 years ago

Was at my ethics discussion about O&G about communicating consent about stuff like C-section to women of different cultures. Everyone agreed that what would be really good is if there was a set of clear instruction cards with explanatory graphics for each language, but there are like 26 languages it would need to be in so it's very impractical.

This could be solved with an app... since I know graphics designers, this would not be a problem. The issue for me though is how do you get patients to then sign off that they have understood if it's not on paper... online signature? use a stylus on a ipad? send to print?

motiv3 commented 10 years ago

It depends how this plays out:


You are with a woman from India who only speaks Urdu and discussing she will need a C-section. You open the app and provide the approved instructions for them to read. Once they have read them, the end instruction on the card could be something like "if you have understood, please press the green X if you agree or red X if you do not want to go ahead". This would then prompt the doctor to see and then go from there. If they do agree, they can just sign the consent form there and then.

Things like this won't be discussed without a clinician there.

jing1uk commented 10 years ago

No you misunderstand, doctors have the app not the patients.

motiv3 commented 10 years ago

Yeah i got that bit. I am saying the doctors have the app...in the scenario I described, "you" refers to a doctor doing the clinic/consultation