jingdao / multiview_segmentation

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Dynamic Laser Scanning Dataset for Multi-view Incremental Segmentation

Supplementary material (dynamic laser scanning dataset) for the RAL paper Multi-view Incremental Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds for Mobile Robots.


  1. numpy
  2. scipy
  3. scikit-learn
  4. tensorflow
  5. ROS
  6. h5py

Ray Tracing

Obtain the S3DIS dataset from here, which is from the paper 3D Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale Indoor Spaces by Armeni et al.. Run the following code to generate a ROS bag file as a result of the scan simulation.

#combine all rooms from Area 3 to a single HDF5 file
python building_parser_combined.py --area 3

#perform ray-tracing to generate a bag file
python raytrace_dynamic.py --area 3

Scan Data

Topic Data Type Description
laser_cloud_surround sensors_msgs/PointCloud2 Array of (X,Y,Z,R,G,B,O,C) tuples
slam_out_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped Robot pose at each scan point
trajectory nav_msgs/Path Array of sequences of robot poses


#optional: train a model from scratch
#select MCPNet as the network architecture (other options are pointnet,pointnet2,voxnet,sgpn)
#select Area 3 as validation set (Areas 1,2,4,5,6 as training set)
#model will be saved in models/mcpnet_model3.ckpt
python train.py --net mcpnet --dataset s3dis --train-area 1,2,4,5,6 --val-area 3

#optional: train a model for the outdoor dataset
python train.py --net mcpnet --dataset outdoor --train-area 5_0,7_0,9_1,10_2,10_6 --val-area 16_4

#start the ROS node for incremental segmentation
#select Area 3 as the validation dataset
#select MCPNet as the network architecture
#use the flag --color to publish original color point cloud scans
#use the flag --cluster to publish clustering results
#use the flag --classify to publish classification results
python inc_seg.py --net mcpnet --area 3 --dataset s3dis

#use RViz as a visualization tool
rviz -d inc_seg.rviz

#publish the laser scan data from a ROS bag file
rosbag play data/s3dis_3.bag


#calculate evaluation metrics after replaying from ROS bag files
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    python -u inc_seg_replay.py --net mcpnet --area $i --dataset s3dis --save >> results/result_mcpnet.txt

Evaluation for offline methods

#train an offline PointNet model from scratch
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    python -u train_offline.py --net pointnet --area $i > results/log_train_offline_pointnet_area$i.txt

#calculate evaluation metrics using offline PointNet (with room segmentation)
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    python -u test_offline.py --net pointnet --area $i >> results/result_offline_room_pointnet.txt

#calculate evaluation metrics using offline PointNet
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    python -u offline_seg.py --net pointnet --area $i >> results/result_offline_pointnet.txt

#calculate evaluation metrics using semi-offline PointNet
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6
    python -u semi_offline_seg.py --mode space --area $i >> results/result_semi_offline_space.txt

Non-learning baseline methods

#online segmentation using normal vectors
python baseline_seg.py --mode normals --dataset outdoor --area 16_4


    author = {Chen,Jingdao and Cho, Yong K. and Kira, Zsolt},
    title = {Multi-view Incremental Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds for Mobile Robots},
    journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
    year = {2019},


IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters published version

arxiv preprint version


RGB-mapped laser scanned point cloud


Clustering results


Classification results
