jirihybek / unity-websocket-webgl

Hybrid WebSocket implementation for Unity 3D with support of native and browser client.
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Support for length param when sending to avoid allocating byte array. #9

Open johnou opened 5 years ago

johnou commented 5 years ago

We can exploit the fact the WebGL implementation takes a byte array and length ( instance.ws.send(HEAPU8.buffer.slice(bufferPtr, bufferPtr + length)); ) and allow the application to write to a buffer then pass that into the websocket send function instead of always allocating a new byte array eg.

int outputBytes;
while ((outputBytes = _tls.ReadOutput(_outgoingBuffer, 0, _outgoingBuffer.Length)) > 0)
  _socket.Send(_outgoingBuffer, outputBytes);
johnou commented 5 years ago

ptal @jirihybek cc @endel

johnou commented 4 years ago

@jirihybek poke, wdyt?