jiuqiant / mediapipe_multi_hands_tracking_aar_example

MediaPipe multi-hand tracking gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
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Specify the multiple 3D hand detection aar #1

Open momo1986 opened 4 years ago

momo1986 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I want to compile a 3D multiple hand detection aar.

My script is like this:

load("//mediapipe/java/com/google/mediapipe:mediapipe_aar.bzl", "mediapipe_aar")
    name = "mp_multi_3d_handtracking_aar",
    calculators = ["//mediapipe/graphs/hand_tracking:multi_hand_mobile_calculators"],

Run the command: bazel build -c opt --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a --define 3D=true //mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/aar_examples:mp_multi_3d_handtracking_aar

For real application, the frame still appears as 2D frame.

Is my method and flow right?

I think the default shoudl be 2D hand pose estimatin, what other steps should I do to turn on the 3D hand estimation switch?

Thanks & Regards!

Akshaysharma29 commented 4 years ago

@momo1986 have you figured out how to activate 3d estimation switch?