jk-labs-inc / jokerace

contests for communities to run, grow, and monetize.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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bug: hit submission limit #2866

Closed MadWeb3 closed 3 weeks ago

MadWeb3 commented 3 weeks ago

Contest Link: https://jokerace.io/contest/arbitrumone/0x144ca864e93b10e98df189d8783d4b096be6b4e2

Your Wallet Address: 0xa1F01E5cC9562ed061B0e3ddDd3e82Ef69A1CebD

Description: The contract function "propose" reverted.

Error: SenderSubmissionLimitReached(uint256 numAllowedProposalSubmissions) (2)

Contract Call: address: 0x144ca864e93b10e98df189d8783d4b096be6b4e2 function: propose((address author, bool exists, string description, (address targetAddress), (address[] signers, uint256 threshold), (address[] addressArray, string[] stringArray, uint256[] uintArray)), bytes32[] proof) args: ({"author":"0xa1F01E5cC9562ed061B0e3ddDd3e82Ef69A1CebD","exists":true,"description":"<p style=\"font-size: 24px; color: #E5E5E5; font-weight: 600;\">WeLivedIt.AI


We're building AI-powered content moderation that learns from lived experiences, is registered on-chain, and helps DAOs walk the walk on inclusion. Because losing your contributors due to toxic behaviour is bad for vibes AND innovation.

The Problem

According to Github's Open Source Survey (2017), 21% of contributors abandon projects after seeing negativity

When talented people leave because spaces feel unwelcoming, we all lose. Yet most DAOs lack the tools to create genuinely inclusive spaces.

Our Solution

WeLivedIt.AI is a decentralised community moderation tool that learns from the lived experiences of the communities it serves.

  1. Users create their organisation's model on our dashboard, enter their community values and leverage AI to scan their documents (e.g. emails/comment sections) for toxic or hate speech with respect to those values.

  2. In order to improve the model's accuracy, they can submit their toxic/hate speech data to a community vote. The community then decide whether to use this data (i.e. based on the lived experience of a community member) to adapt the model.

  3. Another organisation with a similar set of values, can then choose to leverage this pre-trained model to moderate their own community.

Live Now:

Coming Soon:

The CollabTech market is headed to $1 trillion by 2030. But this isn't just about market size - it's about who gets to participate in building the future. Valuing lived experience in tech design and development is key to facilitating real collaboration between online communities.


\n\n","targetMetadata":{"targetAddress":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},"safeMetadata":{"signers":["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"],"threshold":1},"fieldsMetadata":{"addressArray":[],"stringArray":["WeLivedIt.AI"],"uintArray":[]}}, []) sender: 0xa1F01E5cC9562ed061B0e3ddDd3e82Ef69A1CebD

Docs: https://viem.sh/docs/contract/simulateContract Version: viem@2.21.37

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siobh9 commented 3 weeks ago

looks like you have reached that contest's limit for the number of times that your address is able to enter, this is the expected behavior.