jkaflik / OpenMowerROS2

Just another software stack for OpenMower lawn mower robot, but this time with ROS2!
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Map management #19

Open jkaflik opened 11 months ago

jkaflik commented 11 months ago

Goal: Serve a navigation occupancy grid for a static costmap with management capabilities


2m commented 11 months ago

Good stuff! I am OpenMower user and am closely following progress here. Really great effort! :)

Consider GeoJSON as a default one

Really great to depend on widely used formats. This way maps can be visualized quite easily with a variety of already existing tools (Grafana, GitHub, etc.). Can we use different coordinates than lat/lon in GeoJSON? I assume map is still going to be defined as local coordinates in meters as offsets from some given datum.

multiple areas defined with polygon (obstacle, navigation, lawn)

Would it make sense to have obstacle and lawn areas decoupled? Right now in OM you need to follow a specific sequence of actions for the obstacle areas be recorded properly when recording a new area. Also when reorganizing mowing areas, obstacle areas also need to be rerecorded, but these usually do not change. Separating the two would make recording area process easier to manage (but it might complicate path planning?).

jkaflik commented 11 months ago

Can we use different coordinates than lat/lon in GeoJSON? I assume map is still going to be defined as local coordinates in meters as offsets from some given datum.

GeoJSON will use lat/lon. Those will get translated inside the node logic using robot_localization services. There is no need to bother the user with its internal coordinates. Thinking from the UX perspective, it's just much better.

Would it make sense to have obstacle and lawn areas decoupled?

I already did that in my implementation. It makes overall management simplified.

jkaflik commented 11 months ago

@2m BTW please see this: https://discord.com/channels/958476543846412329/1151460116420362271/1161604512621019187

I created this issue today, but already have done some significant progress in this area in last weeks.

jkaflik commented 11 months ago


but it might complicate path planning?

It does not make any difference, except the fact you have to find any bounding excluded areas before. It's an easy task.