jkitchin / ox-ipynb

org-mode exporter to Jupyter notebooks
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Feature / Documentation request : Generating images with (e.g. ditaa, plantuml) code blocks #31

Open bhugueney opened 3 years ago

bhugueney commented 3 years ago

Again, thank you so much for scimax and ox-ipynb ! As I want to have a source for my Notebooks, I want to also have the illustrations as source code that can be edited, so I would like to use the org mode source blocks for ditaa , graphviz and plantuml. However, when I use code blocks with :exports results , ox-ipynb still wants to export a cell with the source as a code cell. Of course, it does not work when loading the notebook. Would it be possible for the exporter to respect the :exports results and only export the resulting image ?

Best Regards.

jkitchin commented 3 years ago

I am not sure how simple it would be to do this. There is a function ox-ipynb-export-code-cell where that might be possible.

I guess though the easiest thing is to use named results, and put those code blocks in a section that is not exported. That would get the graphics where you want them, and just avoid the export of those cells.

Another idea would be use a preprocessing hook function that deletes those cells before exporting.

bhugueney commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply. However, I'm probably too dense to use the suggested workaround. I thought that instead of having a source block like : `

+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file img/ditaa-example-file.png :exports results

  +--------+   +-------+    /-------\
  |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
  |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
  |Document|   |!magic!|    | cRED  |
  |     {d}|   | {io}  |    |       |
  +---+----+   +-------+    \-------/
      :                         ^
      |       Lots of work      |


I would have in a :noexport: the following named src block : `

+NAME: ditaa-example

+BEGIN_SRC ditaa :file img/ditaa-example-file.png :exports none

  +--------+   +-------+    /-------\
  |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
  |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
  |Document|   |!magic!|    | cRED  |
  |     {d}|   | {io}  |    |       |
  +---+----+   +-------+    \-------/
      :                         ^
      |       Lots of work      |


and then in an exported (normal) section, the following call : #+call: ditaa-example() :results file Hoping that the export would trigger the src codeevaluation an generated the image file and include the image in a markdown cell, without creating a (invalid) source cell.

However, it appears that either I made a mistake or ox-ipynb does not support the #+call: : I get a

Wrong type argument: consp, nil

in org-babel-exp-do-export and debugger shows

  • org-babel-exp-do-export(nil lob) org-babel-exp-process-buffer() org-export-as(md nil nil t (:with-toc nil :with-tags nil)) org-export-string-as("\n#+call: ditaa-example() :results file\n\n\n\n" md t (:with-toc nil :with-tags nil)) (progn (fset (quote org-html-table) vnew) (fset (quote org-html-table-row) vnew) (fset (quote org-html-table-cell) vnew) (fset (quote org-export-get-relative-level) vnew) (fset (quote org-md-headline) vnew) (org-export-string-as s (quote md) t (quote (:with-toc nil :with-tags nil))))

Could you confirm if the #+CALL: is supported and if there is a way to achieve what I want ? I want a call because I want the export to be fully automated for CI/CD, so generating images by hand with C-c is unfortunately not an option ☹.

Thank you again. Best Regards

jkitchin commented 3 years ago

#+CALL does not seem to be supported directly, but this worked for me:

(with-current-buffer (org-org-export-as-org)

I think you can work this into a fully automated CI/CD workflow. It might break some other feature though depending on how you make your notebooks.

I am not sure the canonical way to support #+call to make it better than this.