jkk / formative

Web forms for Clojure and ClojureScript - rendering, parsing, and validating
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Enable use of sets for options #28

Closed beandipper closed 11 years ago

beandipper commented 11 years ago

When specifying elements like checkboxes and selects where options are passed for the values to be displayed, there should be the possibility to use sets just as one can use vectors.


{ :fields [ {:name :grouped-by 
              :type :radios 
              :options #{"year" "month" "day"}}]
beandipper commented 11 years ago

Realized that this is possible after all

jkk commented 11 years ago

yep, it should work - just be aware that sets are unordered, so options could display as year, month, day; or month, year, day; etc.