jlegewie / zotfile

Zotero plugin to manage your attachments: automatically rename, move, and attach PDFs (or other files) to Zotero items, sync PDFs from your Zotero library to your (mobile) PDF reader (e.g. an iPad, Android tablet, etc.), and extract PDF annotations.
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Renaming when file is already existing #491

Open Olifair opened 4 years ago

Olifair commented 4 years ago

I use a lot the automatic renaming of Zotfile when importing new pdfs into Zotero. This works wonderfully well most of the time. However strange things happen when the file is already existing (because the same author has published several papers in a year). For example, I just had imported a paper by Wong from 1979, I had already a Wong.1979.pdf in the /1979/ folder, to Zotfile did some renaming and created a Wong.20.pdf, which is not very useful. I would be great if in such cases a naming convention could be added to the Renaming rules. For example I add "b" and "c" to the names, thus for the above mentioned example this gave "Wong.1979.b.pdf" etc. Or, at least, Zotfile should issue a warning when the file already exists. Thanks for considering this improvement