jlesage / docker-jdownloader-2

Docker container for JDownloader 2
MIT License
792 stars 71 forks source link

Cannot start container "permission denied" on file in config folder #135

Open NickSChristiansen opened 1 year ago

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

I'm getting this error no matter if I set the config to a local folder or a NFS share(both brand new dirs). I also seem to get it regardless of the image, as I have now tested the following images: 22.11.1 22.12.2 23.01.1

[cont-env    ] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_STATE_HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] container environment variables initialized.
[cont-secrets] loading container secrets...
[cont-secrets] container secrets loaded.
[cont-init   ] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: jq: error: Could not open file /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json: Permission denied
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: terminated with error 2.
[init        ] container is starting...
[cont-env    ] loading container environment variables...
[cont-env    ] APP_NAME: loading...
[cont-env    ] DISPLAY: executing...
[cont-env    ] DISPLAY: terminated successfully.
[cont-env    ] DISPLAY: loading...
[cont-env    ] DOCKER_IMAGE_PLATFORM: loading...
[cont-env    ] DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: loading...
[cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: executing...
[cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: terminated successfully.
[cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: loading...
[cont-env    ] HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: executing...
[cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: terminated successfully.
[cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: loading...
[cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: executing...
[cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: terminated successfully.
[cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: loading...
[cont-env    ] TAKE_CONFIG_OWNERSHIP: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_CACHE_HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_CONFIG_HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_DATA_HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: loading...
[cont-env    ] XDG_STATE_HOME: loading...
[cont-env    ] container environment variables initialized.
[cont-secrets] loading container secrets...
[cont-secrets] container secrets loaded.
[cont-init   ] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: terminated successfully.
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: executing...
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: jq: error: Could not open file /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json: Permission denied
[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: terminated with error 2.

The file that throws the "Permission denied" error is always made by 0:0(root:root) when inspecting permissions, despite me setting the UID and GID to 3000:3002(nicksc:Docker). Manually changing the permission on the failing file does not fix the error.

root@truenas[/mnt/Alpha/Docker/jdownloader2/cfg]# ls -l
total 81
drwxrwx--- 2 nicksc Docker   3 Jan 25 00:18 laf
-rw------- 1 root   root   140 Jan 25 00:46 org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  50 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.gui.jdtrayicon.TrayExtension.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  43 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.gui.notify.gui.BubbleNotifyConfig.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  54 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.gui.views.linkgrabber.addlinksdialog.LinkgrabberSettings.downloaddestinationhistory.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  52 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.gui.views.linkgrabber.addlinksdialog.LinkgrabberSettings.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  42 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.settings.GeneralSettings.json
-rwxrwx--- 1 nicksc Docker  36 Jan 25 00:18 org.jdownloader.settings.GraphicalUserInterfaceSettings.json
jlesage commented 1 year ago

How do you create the container ? Can you share your docker run command or compose file, etc ?

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

Docker compose. This is the entire file - except "****" which indicates some info I've removed:

version: "3.8"
    hostname: jdownloader2
    container_name: jdownloader2
    image: jlesage/jdownloader-2:v22.11.1
      - DARK_MODE=1
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - LANG=en_US.UTF-8
      - USER_ID=3000
      - GROUP_ID=3002
      - "5800:5800"
      - type: volume
        source: jdownloader2-config
        target: /config
          nocopy: true
      - type: volume
        source: download
        target: /output
          nocopy: true
        ipv4_address: ****
    restart: unless-stopped
      type: nfs
      o: addr=****,nolock,soft,rw
      device: :/mnt/Alpha/Docker/jdownloader2
      type: nfs
      o: addr=****,nolock,soft,rw
      device: :/mnt/Alpha/Download/downloads
    external: true
jlesage commented 1 year ago

The error you get really seems to be related to NFS. The NFS server should allow access from both root and from the user defined by USER_ID/GROUP_ID. When starting, initialization is done by the root user. Then the remaining actions are done by the non-root, defined user.

Also, are you sure you get the exact same error when not using NFS ?

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

I just can't see the error coming from NFS. I have 8 other containers that use the exact same permissions on the exact same shares, without issue.

But you are right, I'm not getting the same error when not using NFS. What I am getting is an error on the same file:

[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: jq: error: Could not open file /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json: No such file or directory

EDIT: Why is initialization done by root user? Because then this is clearly the issue when using NFS. No other container I have does that and more to my NFS issue, root is not allowed. Only the nicksc user.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Why is initialization done by root user?

Init scripts part of the startup of the container are run as root because they have to perform actions requiring root access. For example, they setup Linux users and groups, initialize system configuration files, install packages, etc.

Currently, init scripts don't behave differently if they write to /config or to another part of the system. One of the last init script makes sure that all files under /config are owned by the user defined by USER_ID.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

What NFS server are you using ? And what is the configuration you are using to restrict user?

crbon commented 1 year ago

I'm using an NFS share mapped to /mnt/nfs/media/.

This is my docker-compose.yml - nothing fancy

version: '3'
    container_name: jdownloader-2
    image: jlesage/jdownloader-2:latest
      - "5800:5800"
      - "8297:8297" #added for custom httpAPI
      - PUID=1000 # make sure this matches your user UID
      - PGID=1000 # make sure this matches your user GID
      - "./config:/config:rw"
      - "/mnt/nfs/media/jdl:/output:rw"
    restart: unless-stopped
jlesage commented 1 year ago

@crbon, not sure where PUID and PGID are coming from, both they are not used by this container. See https://github.com/jlesage/docker-jdownloader-2#environment-variables.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

@NickSChristiansen, I partially reproduced your issue by using a Linux NFS server with the following export:

/srv/nfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash,insecure)

However, because any action done by root is denied, the startup of the container fails much sooner than in your case. So I would still be interested in your NFS server configuration to make sure that a potential solution covers all cases.

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

Theis is my export settings, with 3000 being the "nicksc" user.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Don't you need to also set anongid to 3002 to match your Docker group ?

The root_squash option is enabled by default, meaning that requests from root are mapped to the configured anonymous user (i.e. the one set by anonuid/anongid).

Without anongid, the anonymous group should default to nogroup (65534). This is what I see from my side.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

With this export (1000 being my user that I also use for USER_ID / GROUP_ID):

/srv/nfs *(sec=sys,rw,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000,no_subtree_check)

I only get this message, which doesn't prevent the container from loading:

[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: mv: can't preserve ownership of '/config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json': Operation not permitted
NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

On my TrueNAS NFS share, the group defaults to root evidently, as the file who's permission are taken over by root user are also taken over by the root group(0:0).

Is your user(1000) part of the root group? Or has root-like access? Because "nicksc" is only part of groups I created. No root nor admin groups.

Adding anongid=3002 gets me the same error as previously:

[cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: jq: error: Could not open file /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json: Permission denied
jlesage commented 1 year ago

On my TrueNAS NFS share, the group defaults to root evidently, as the file who's permission are taken over by root user are also taken over by the root group(0:0).

Adding anongid=3002 gets me the same error as previously:

Yeah this is strange. According to your export config, you should never have files owned by root in the NFS share.

Looks like the export config doesn't do anything ?

Is your user(1000) part of the root group? Or has root-like access? Because "nicksc" is only part of groups I created. No root nor admin groups.

No, this is a standard user that is only part of group 1000.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Tried to reproduce with TrueNAS (Core and SCALE) without success.

I installed TrueNAS in a VM. A created dummy pool, a user test (1000/1000) and enabled NFS with the following settings:

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 7 14 36 PM

On the client machine, I mounted the NFS share like this:

sudo mount -o nolock,soft,rw /mnt/local_nfs3

Then I create and start the container:

docker run --rm -ti -e USER_ID=1000 -e GROUP_ID=1000 -e MYJDOWNLOADER_EMAIL=test@example.com -e MYJDOWNLOADER_PASSWORD=test -v /mnt/local_nfs3:/config:rw jlesage/jdownloader-2
jlesage commented 1 year ago

Also, make sure that on the server, the directory exposed to NFS is owned by 3000:3002(nicksc:Docker).

crbon commented 1 year ago

@crbon, not sure where PUID and PGID are coming from, both they are not used by this container. See https://github.com/jlesage/docker-jdownloader-2#environment-variables.

Mistake on my end. Must have come across when I switched from another docker image

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

The dataset, and the permissions: dataset

The share: share

And now the export looks like this with the group included:


The mount is created by the docker compose file, which is the same as the one I posted before, but here it again just for good measure:

version: "3.8"
    hostname: jdownloader2
    container_name: jdownloader2
    image: jlesage/jdownloader-2:latest
      - DARK_MODE=1
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - LANG=en_US.UTF-8
      - USER_ID=3000
      - GROUP_ID=3002
      - "5800:5800"
      - type: volume
        source: jdownloader2-config
        target: /config
          nocopy: true
      - type: volume
        source: download
        target: /output
          nocopy: true
        ipv4_address: ****
    restart: unless-stopped
      type: nfs
      o: addr=****,nolock,soft,rw
      device: :/mnt/Alpha/Docker/jdownloader2
      type: nfs
      o: addr=****,nolock,soft,rw
      device: :/mnt/Alpha/Download/downloads
    external: true

I've also tried creating the mounts outside of the compose file, but I get the same result.

jlesage commented 1 year ago

And ls -ld /mnt/Alpha/Docker (server/TrueNAS side) shows the correct ownership?

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

Yep permissions

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Humm, don't we see that the owner of the folder has an ID if 770 instead of being nicksc ?

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

Whoops, sorry! I stripped the ACL's and forgot to reapply them... D'oh! missing ACLs

Here is the permission, after the ACLs are reapplied: permissionsWithCorrectACL

... Though I have no idea who user 770 is, as that user doesn't exist on TrueNAS... usersWithIds

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Ok and now that this is fixed, do you still have issue with the container not starting ? Make sure that all files have the correct owner before starting it...

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

Yep, just like all the other times I've reset the ACLs, with the same error:

2023-02-03T13:45:59.668609005Z [init        ] container is starting...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.668637238Z [cont-env    ] loading container environment variables...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.670425404Z [cont-env    ] APP_NAME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.671828513Z [cont-env    ] DISPLAY: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.674227412Z [cont-env    ] DISPLAY: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.674448500Z [cont-env    ] DISPLAY: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.675169461Z [cont-env    ] DOCKER_IMAGE_PLATFORM: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.676376590Z [cont-env    ] DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.677552660Z [cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.679886588Z [cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.680129366Z [cont-env    ] GTK_THEME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.680854084Z [cont-env    ] HOME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.682015386Z [cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.683395513Z [cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.683636548Z [cont-env    ] INSTALL_PACKAGES_INTERNAL: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.684357499Z [cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.686530001Z [cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.686757190Z [cont-env    ] QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.687453485Z [cont-env    ] TAKE_CONFIG_OWNERSHIP: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.688597264Z [cont-env    ] XDG_CACHE_HOME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.689751423Z [cont-env    ] XDG_CONFIG_HOME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.690923285Z [cont-env    ] XDG_DATA_HOME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.692121868Z [cont-env    ] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.693249687Z [cont-env    ] XDG_STATE_HOME: loading...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.694402064Z [cont-env    ] container environment variables initialized.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.694412603Z [cont-secrets] loading container secrets...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.694460284Z [cont-secrets] container secrets loaded.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.694466656Z [cont-init   ] executing container initialization scripts...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.695396611Z [cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.697400686Z [cont-init   ] 10-certs.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.697917821Z [cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.699046612Z [cont-init   ] 10-check-app-niceness.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.699554432Z [cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.701509422Z [cont-init   ] 10-cjk-font.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.702053911Z [cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.703399441Z [cont-init   ] 10-clean-logmonitor-states.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.703893033Z [cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.705315699Z [cont-init   ] 10-clean-tmp-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.705844828Z [cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.706951758Z [cont-init   ] 10-fontconfig-cache-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.707429780Z [cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.717983617Z [cont-init   ] 10-init-users.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.718534627Z [cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.762675468Z [cont-init   ] 10-nginx.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.763199628Z [cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.802240058Z [cont-init   ] 10-openbox.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.802861241Z [cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.804130187Z [cont-init   ] 10-set-tmp-dir-perms.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.804558946Z [cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.805543325Z [cont-init   ] 10-vnc-password.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.805974028Z [cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.808500128Z [cont-init   ] 10-web-data.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.809002125Z [cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.810487019Z [cont-init   ] 10-x11-unix.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.810946727Z [cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.812970608Z [cont-init   ] 10-xdg-runtime-dir.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.813503705Z [cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.814497571Z [cont-init   ] 15-install-pkgs.sh: terminated successfully.
2023-02-03T13:45:59.814919609Z [cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: executing...
2023-02-03T13:45:59.838627630Z [cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: jq: error: Could not open file /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json: Permission denied
2023-02-03T13:45:59.839041723Z [cont-init   ] 55-jdownloader2.sh: terminated with error 2.
jlesage commented 1 year ago

Humm, there is something wrong that I cannot identify.

During the container initialization, there are other files written to /config as root. So I'm not sure why /config/cfg/org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json is more problematic than other files. The NFS server config is good and should translate all requests done by root to the correct user. If on the server side you still see the file as owned by root, then maybe there is an active ACL somewhere?

Could you try with another NFS share ?

NickSChristiansen commented 1 year ago

So I tried making a new dataset, applying nicksc:Docker with rwx and got the same error. Then I tried making a pool, with a new dataset and applying nicksc:Docker with rwx and now it works... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Sorry for the confusion. The issue is clearly on my end - maybe there was an ACL on the pool level overwritting the new ones I set on the dataset or something. I honestly have no idea. I'll nuke the pool, recreate it and hope that clears the issue.

rafaelmaeuer commented 1 year ago

I have a similar error on start after moving to from linux/amd64 to linux/arm64:

Openbox-Message: 16:11:29.496: Unable to make directory '/config/xdg/cache/openbox': Permission denied

All files generated so far in config volume have root:root as owner, I think something is messed up there...

jlesage commented 1 year ago

Are you also using a NFS share for the config folder ?

rafaelmaeuer commented 1 year ago

I finally figured out what was causing the problem for me:

When re-using existing certificates by mounting them read-only in volumes like this:

  - "$CERT_PATH/key.pem:/config/certs/web-privkey.pem:ro"
  - "$CERT_PATH/fullchain.pem:/config/certs/web-fullchain.pem:ro"

It causes conflicts when docker-compose tries to take ownership as it is read-only.

This problem could be bypassed by providing TAKE_CONFIG_OWNERSHIP=0 as environment variable. But if starting docker-compose with sudo it means the data-volume is created and owned by root. This causes the error as described above.

A workaround is to stop the service when the error occurs and take ownership of the data-volume with the current user:

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) <path/to/data-volume>
// or
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) <path/to/data-volume>
// e.g. on ubuntu
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu <path/to/data-volume>

Afterwards restart the service and the setup-process should work and continue.

I finally did fix the issue by running the service with domain-mapping behind a nginx-reverse proxy. It allows me to disable secure-connection by removing SECURE_CONNECTION=1 from docker-compose.yml as Nginx will handle SSL, my config:

# Connection upgrade for reverse proxy
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        ''      close;

# web access to jDownloader2
server {
  listen 80;
  server_name <sub.domain.org>;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://jdownloader:5800;

  location /websockify {
    proxy_pass http://jdownloader:5800;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
    proxy_read_timeout 86400;