jlfwong / vim-mercenary

mercenary.vim: A mercurial wrapper so awesome, you should give it money
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Fix reset of buffer options #2

Closed evnu closed 7 years ago

evnu commented 7 years ago

Currently, the scrollbind option is not reset when leaving a :HGblame window. This pull request fixes this issue. The underlying problem is that expand('<abuf>') returns a string, for which bufwinnr() returns -1. By converting the result of expand(), resetting options when leaving the window works.

jlfwong commented 7 years ago


I'll be honest and say that I vaguely understand the problem, and do not understand the solution, and that I also don't use this plugin any more since nothing I work on uses Mercurial any more.

So all of that said, I'm just going to trust on blind faith that this works and that you'll be around to fix things if anyone else finds issues here :)

evnu commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I will stick around and fix upcoming problems with this changeset (if there are any).