jmarsh24 / tangocloud

This is tango music streaming platform
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Some Ideas born from the discussions with René-Marie, Camila and Martina #388

Open dogacozen opened 6 days ago

dogacozen commented 6 days ago

We can have a list of people who put their tandas in the app. So they are ashamed if they give 'bad' tandas. Or we can have the person's name under a tanda so that we know who put it first. (If there is a person who adds tandas like crazy we can see and ban him or something to prevent pollution)

Will the system of recommendation, recommend an already made tanda?

Having a list of best of for each year, or for 5 year periods or for decades. (probably decade is better).

User based song recommendations. Maybe weekly.

When we search for a title, it can be better if we first see only different songs. then we can go to a page where we see different versions from different orchestras (ordered)

Option to search lyrics (search for 'fantoche' in all lyrics and show me the different songs (again. not different versions of the song))

complex search song name + lyrics + years etc.

user can choose between different complexity modes for different usages: for example: filters for 10 year periods => filters for 5 year periods => filter for each year (like we had before). When one does a tanda, s/he needs to look a specific year instead of 5 year period.

Again different levels of complexity in tagging. Maybe reactions are first step, but then if a DJ uses adjectives, s/he can use their adjectives, or colors etc.

Sending a song/tanda in the app. For example, a person that we just danced can send us a tanda that we danced that night in order to show his feelings!

Following a DJ, seeing his/her future sets in various events. Following a contemporary orchestra, seeing their future concerts in various events.

Game is everything. Different little games. Scoreboard. Display the best users for each game somewhere. -Live Quiz with multiple people. -Guess a song with only 1-2 seconds of music. -Guess songs with lyrics. -Test of Lunfardo words? -we create a tanda and score it using recommendation system For the people who just start doing tandas, we can score their tandas (even ver y easy stuff, if it is golden age, if they uses a better rating song as the 1st or 4th song etc)

Subscription for a school of tango for 1 year. new students can use the app for 1 year free if the school has this subscription and after 1 year they can decide if they take a normal subscription or not.

Different interfaces for different types of people. For older people for example.

There should be no feature changes in different subscriptions. If a future is an a specific subscription it should stay there always.

Do not inaugurate the app before being absolutely sure of its good functioning!

Couple and Group subscriptions. They can see each others private content.

Social aspect of the app is important. Playing games, sharing stuff, scores/degrees.

jmarsh24 commented 6 days ago

This is awesome! It's very cool to get such exciting feedback!

We will have lots of issues to schedule and user stories to develop. 🤓