jmazzi / crypt_keeper

Transparent ActiveRecord encryption
MIT License
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Store encryption password into relation model #154

Closed 4e4c52 closed 6 years ago

4e4c52 commented 6 years ago


I try so setup encrypted fields for a model with the encryption key stored in a related model named Account via belongs_to.

Here is what I did in the model:

crypt_keeper :login, :password,
    encryptor: :active_support,
    key: self.account_encryption_key,
    salt: Rails.application.credentials.encoder_salt


  def self.account_encryption_key

When I create a record, I get the following error:

NoMethodError: undefined method 'account_encryption_key' for #<Class:XXX...>

Is it possible to do what I'm trying?

I'm using CryptKeeper 2.0.0rc1 and Rails 5.2.0rc1.


itspriddle commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid this isn't possible. CryptKeeper relies on ActiveRecord's serialize method, which doesn't have direct access to the model's instance methods in order to run a query.

I'd recommend adding the key in the same way you've added the salt.