jmej / capstone2022

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Create a plan for sound palette #3

Open jmej opened 2 years ago

jmej commented 2 years ago

This might be guided by our color pallete Could a shared folder of sounds / clips / loops Could be shared max patch Could be an ableton session

abbymachines commented 2 years ago

some inspo: - cartoon sound effects - HARD by SOPHIE

zany silly sounds is the vibe of these clips

some ideas:

jmoneyfur commented 2 years ago

~ Sound Palette Vibes ~ Crisp, Playful, Zany / Humorous, Wingnut, (shorter attack, longer releases)

Sounds tied to gesture - direct sound effect feeling Unexpected / Uncommon scale & sonic associations (ie feathers to affect glass shattering sound) Washes Building Up

hspencerwallace commented 2 years ago

sound drive (put stuff in here):

hspencerwallace commented 2 years ago

some things we liked from listening to J's work: willy wonka esque little short sounds popping out from the background machine, metallic,

hspencerwallace commented 2 years ago

do we want the focus of the sound composition to be musical?

do we want to do stuff in equal temperament?

do we want to subscribe to a specific key?

hspencerwallace commented 2 years ago

for now, if you have a tonal/musical piece that's in a specific key, you could label it as such.

hspencerwallace commented 2 years ago

spatialization: we are planning to use unity gain (32 channel speaker array). we can use either MIAP or SPAT as the software to spatialize. MIAP allows you to specifically place sounds at or near speakers, and SPAT uses ambisonics that assumes a "sweet spot" in the center of the room. That decision will be made later, and it would good to test both in the actual space. We can work on the actual panning without deciding whether we will use MIAP or SPAT.

learn more about MIAP:

abbymachines commented 2 years ago

@jmoneyfur could you share the Max patch you were showing us in class on Tuesday?

jmoneyfur commented 2 years ago

I shared my MAX patch in my Capstone Sound Folder on google drive, it's called "Sound Scramble."

I added some notes inside of it for explanations of what things do. I also went ahead and just plugged in some of the sounds we've already made for the class -- what was in the drive was mostly sounds from Steven and I, so those are the sounds in the patch right now.

I don't know if we'll want to use this exact patch, depending on how we want to group sounds. The patch is set up so that the sounds are grouped by length, for playback purposes. We might want to cluster or group sounds that are sonically similar, instead of just by length. There are a few ways I'm not totally convinced this patch as is will be what we want to use, but I know folks were wanting to look at it up close (although it is a bit messy)!
