jmlien / acd2d

Approximate Convex Decomposition of Polygons
MIT License
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Approximate Convex Decomposition of Polygons

What is this:

C++ source code for generating convex approximations of polygons.

Compiling options

make lib
make clean

Command line options:

acd2d_gui [options] simple1.ply


-t value            concavity tolerance in the final decomposition
-m value            specify types of measurements, including sl (straightline), shortestpath (sp), hybrid1 or hybrid2
-a  value           control cut selection. Large value of "a" biases to cuts with large concavity
-b  value           control cut selection. Large value of "b" biases to cuts with short length
-g                  disable OpenGL 
-s                  save decomposition when OpenGL GUI is disabled
-ps                 save decomposition to postscript (PS) file (when GUI is disabled)

GUI options (press key):

d:                  decompose once
D:                  decompose all
n:                  show/hide normal direction 
h:                  show/hide convex hulls
r:                  reset camera
space bar:          reload polygon
s:                  save decomposition
p:                  save rendering to PS file
+/-:                zoom in/out
arrow keys:         translate

-- Report bugs to: Jyh-Ming Lien


Project webpage