joaoferreira / SPFx-Google-Analytics

This repository has a solution to add Google Analytics to the Modern SharePoint Sites
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Sharepoint pageview count does not match with Google Analytics pageview count #8

Open dsahu05 opened 4 years ago

dsahu05 commented 4 years ago

We have implemented GA on modern hub sites on Sharepoint online and noticed difference between GA and SP's reporting tool. One page we have 67 pageviews in GA and 894 views in SP. I think SP views are reported correctly, but GA is missing a huge part of the traffic. Please let me know what is missing/any settings required to be changed in GA?

Sharepoint extension has been created and Google Analytics code has been implemented same way in this post.

Any help would be much appreciated !!

nilang-shah commented 3 years ago

I have an exact same issue!

@dsahu05 : have you found any solution to your problem?

I will appreciate any help on this!

Jeroen00 commented 3 years ago

Same here. Anyone any ideas why these number do not match? We added GA code in different ways but stats still do not match the SP views. I do wonder if the SP views are correct though...